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Bolečina v peti

Zakaj me bolijo noge?

Do your feet hurt? Your feet will hurt and you may stop exercising or walking. It is important to choose the right shoes. It is worth spending the time and money to ensure they don't injure the feet. As you get older, your foot's muscles, tendon, and ligaments become more flexible. Sometimes, they become a bit longer and the bottom pads get thinner with age. You should measure your feet before you buy shoes. As you get older, you will…
Težave z nogami

Kateri so možni vzroki za bolečine v nogah zaradi protina?

Foot pain is the most common complaint. According to doctors, most patients complaining of foot pain are from the feet. Do you know why the pain occurs? Most doctors agree that shoes are an unavoidable cause. Sometimes, foot pain can be a sign of more serious problems. If you have foot pain, you might want to read this article to find out why.  Are you overweight? If so, this could be a reason. An increase in weight can cause pressure…
Pretok eritrocitov

Ali imam protin v stopalu?

Bolezen ostarelega britanskega vojaka z belimi mrožjimi usti, bleščečim monoklom, rdečimi očmi in nepopustljivo naravo. Si ga lahko predstavljate? Protin ni britanska stvar. Vendar je pogostejša pri moških kot pri ženskah in pri starejših moških kot pri mlajših. Podagra je redka pri ženskah, ki so po menopavzi ali po histerektomiji. Kaj je protin? Protin je oblika artritisa, ki prizadene sklepe. Povzroča ga previsoka raven sečne kisline v krvi.
Bolečine v gležnjih

Kaj povzroča bolečine v stopalih?

Bolečine v stopalih so ena najtežjih vrst bolečin v telesu. Naša stopala so sestavljena iz številnih kosti, sklepov, vezi in drugih zapletenih delov. Bolečine v stopalih so lahko hude in zelo boleče. Pomembno je, da razumete temeljni vzrok bolečine, ki jo doživljate. Bolečine v stopalih se lahko pojavijo iz več razlogov. Preverite spodnje možnosti in ugotovite, kaj lahko storite za njeno zmanjšanje. Bolečine v stopalih so lahko...
čevlji, noge, avto

Kako skrbeti za stopala?

No matter if you are a boy or a girl with boy feet, there is a chance that you will experience foot pain at some point in your lifetime. You don't think about your feet until something is wrong. They can get us to our destination by walking, pedaling, or pressing on a gas pedal. However, the average person won't give them a second thought until they become sore, blistered, or suffer from any of the other ailments that can…