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honeycomb, pollen and propolis

What is a Sign of Systemic Yeast Infection?

If you feel bloated after a yeast infection, this could indicate a more serious yeast infection. Learn more about bloating and the reasons why it is important to treat this condition. Candida Albicans, a yeast-like microorganism, causes yeast infections. It is found in most people but rarely causes any serious problems. Your body's beneficial bacteria helps keep it in check so it doesn't become a fungal form and cause an infection. Sometimes, however, your good bacteria can become so low…
citrus essential oil

What are the Uses of Lemon Essential Oil?

Lemon essential oil can be used in aromatherapy for a wide variety of purposes. Lemon essential oil conjures up images that are fresh and clean, sunshine and lemonade. Jean Valnet, M.D. found that vaporized Lemon essential oils can kill meningococcus bacteria within 15 minutes, typhoid Bacilli within one hour, staphylococcus Aureus in two hours, and germs causing lung disease in three hours. Lemon essential oil in 0.2% can kill diphtheria bacteria within 20 minutes and activate tuberculosis bacteria. Its antiseptic…