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What causes Gout again?

You have probably experienced gout attacks of any kind, or big toe gout. However, not everyone with high uric acids will have a gout attack. Only one in five people with a high uric acid level will experience gout attacks. This is a good thing, unless you are that one in five. Gout can then become a chronic problem that recurs over and over again. Lifestyle and diet changes can help reduce the likelihood of gout returning and causing long-term damage to your joints. Gout sufferers have high levels of uric acid.

Excessive Uric Acid

This is either due to excessive uric acids production or because their kidneys don’t produce enough. Uric acid is formed from the breakdown of compounds called purines, which are also found in food and produced by the body. Uric acid builds up in the bloodstream when there is too much. The levels can reach a point where they are so high that uric acids crystals form and settle in the synovial fluid. This is the liquid that lubricates your joints. White blood cells are able to destroy the crystals they perceive as foreign. They release chemicals that cause inflammation and pain.

Gout is caused by the immune system’s reaction to uric acid crystals within the synovial fluid. Gout can affect any joint. This is why we focus on big toe gout. Gout is most common to affect the metatarsalphalangeal joint, which is the second joint between the big toe and the tip.

Big Toe Gout

What is a typical attack with big toe gout? A common attack of podagra or big toe gout occurs in the middle hours of the night. It can wake up its victim from sleep. Most doctors can identify the cause of the reddening, swelling, and pain in the big toe. However, it can be more difficult to diagnose gout in other joints. Gout attacks that affect other joints than the big one may not be as easy to diagnose.

Gout can cause redness, swelling, and pain that may look like a septic arthritis infection. Because septic arthritis is serious and requires immediate treatment, it’s important to distinguish between the two. Gout can also mimic other conditions like rheumatoid or autoimmune diseases, and a condition called pseudogout. Many doctors have trouble diagnosing gout. Even uric acids levels can’t be used to diagnose gout flares. Some doctors will insert a needle into the joint to collect a sample from the synovial fluid for the laboratory.


To confirm the diagnosis, a technician will examine the sample under a microscope. It is important to ensure you are treating the correct condition. Gout can sometimes be confused with other conditions. It’s important to consult a doctor to get a diagnosis. Do not attempt to diagnose it yourself.


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