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Preparation of homemade tincture

What are helpful Natural Heartburn Treatments?

Many herbs have been used for centuries to treat ailments. There are many herbs that can provide natural heartburn relief for GERD sufferers. Here are six herbs that can be used for acid reflux relief. Chamomile has been used for centuries to provide sedative and antispasmodic properties. Chamomile can be taken orally to induce relaxation and calm the mind. This has led some to believe…
Man holding decorative model intestine

What are Prebiotics and Probiotics good for?

Recent studies have produced a lot of evidence, some fully substantiated, others not. I also read press releases from July 2011 about some of the most prominent names in the food industry, such as Nestle, which stated that they are entering the medical food industry with a focus upon prebiotic supplements. There's smoke where there's fire! It's not surprising, considering the boom in probiotics supplements…
tying shoelaces

How to prevent Gout?

Gout is something you are trying to prevent because you know it will attack eventually and you want to be prepared. Perhaps you have had one or more attacks. Gout may be a constant pain. Gout treatment and prevention go hand-in-hand, no matter what the cause. Even if you've seen a doctor, there is no official treatment for gout. If you take care of your…
high vitamin B

Are there secret Gout Remedies?

Gout remedies are becoming more popular by the day. Gout is a painful form of arthritis that is easy to treat naturally. Many pharmaceutical companies will do everything to prevent you from going natural. Many people are now trying natural remedies because new research shows that simple tips such as diet, supplements, vitamins, minerals and fruit can help to prevent or treat most gout symptoms.…