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How to lower my Uric Acid Levels?

This article will show you how to lower your body’s uric acid levels. Gout is a condition that is not treatable. It is caused by too much uric acid. Gout can be managed if your body has a lower level of uric acid and you keep them at a healthier level. Gout can be very dangerous. If you have had one gout attack, it is very likely that you will suffer from more. It is important to avoid recurring gout attacks as they can cause serious complications such as kidney damage and kidney stones, permanent joint damage, and even kidney failure.

Let’s see…

The majority of mainstream treatment is drug-based. Doctors may prescribe anti-inflammatory and painkillers to treat symptoms of gout attacks. They do not address the root cause. High levels of uric acid in the body. Even if they do prescribe uric acids reducing drugs such as allopurinol to lower it, they only work temporarily. Your uric acid levels may rise once you stop taking the drug. They are usually prescribed for a very long time. They can also cause nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps and bleeding, as well as stomach ulcers. Gout sufferers are turning to natural home remedies to lower inflammation, relieve pain, and lower uric acid.

What to do?

  • Drink 2 to 3 liters of water daily to flush out excess uric acid. 3 teaspoons of raw apple cider vinegar in an 8 oz glass of warm water, three times per day, to reduce high levels of uric acid.
  • Every day, eat a bowl of cherries because they have natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  • Apply cold compresses to the affected area for relief and circulation.
  • To reduce uric acids levels, take 400mg of dried devil’s claw 3 times per day until symptoms subside.

While the above natural remedies work well, gout is a complex condition that requires you to consider many other factors. You will need to use a combination of natural remedies and lifestyle changes to manage your gout. You should aim to relieve your gout symptoms and prevent future gout attacks.


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