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Is Alkaline Water a natural Gout Treatment?

In earlier articles, I discussed the importance of drinking water for natural gout treatment. All water types are different. Hard water is better than soft water because it contains more minerals, while distilled water is acidic. Alkaline water, also known as ionized water, is the best water for natural gout treatment. Alkaline water has an alkaline pH value that is higher than other types. Alkaline water is water that has more oxygen (in this case, OH-, and not O2). It makes the body more acidic. The body will likely excrete more uric acids in this state.

Gout Treatment

Most forms of gout treatment, whether natural or pharmaceutical, aim to reduce uric acid levels below 6.0 mg/dL for men and slightly less for women. Alkaline water can also be used as an antioxidant to reduce free radicals. Alkaline water is not available at your local grocery store or supermarket. You will need to make it. It’s not difficult. You can either add alkaline drops or have a water-ionizer do it. You can order alkaline drops online and have them delivered to your home. Search for alkaline water drops or alkaline drops.

After drinking alkaline water for a while, your body pH level should rise. How can you tell? You can test your saliva pH with pH test strips (search pH stix or pH test strips). Your body’s pH levels can be determined by your saliva pH. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully when using them. Keep track of the numbers and monitor for trends. One test is not enough. You can find many testimonials from happy former gout sufferers on the Internet. These testimonials are not necessarily the best for everyone.

Gout Facts

Gout is a complex and difficult disease that is still not fully understood. Even though testimonials are often honest and sincere, they may not be true in the long-term. Gout can go into remission, then flare up again. However, there are testimonials from people who have not experienced a gout attack in the past 2 years or more. This is likely to indicate that a cure has been found.

These testimonials are a good sign that the theory is now out of favor and people can rejoice. Gout sufferers long for natural treatment. Natural gout treatment includes pH considerations. NB. This article does not contain any medical advice. Before you do anything, please consult your doctor or another health care professional about gout remedies.


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