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What is Gout in the Ankle all about?

Gout is known to manifest in the toe joints when there are gout attacks. Gout can also affect other joints. Gout can affect multiple joints simultaneously, even though it is usually only one joint. Gout can also be found in soft tissue such as the heart muscle, and other joints such as the vertebrae of your backbone. Gout in the ankles is less common than gout with the big toe. Gout is more common in women over 40 and in postmenopausal women. However, younger people may mistakenly think that gout in their ankles is gout.

Did You Know?

Gout in the ankle is easily mistaken for a sprain, or even cellulites. Before you can decide on a long-term treatment for gout, it is important to confirm that you have gout. Gout diagnosis can be difficult. You cannot diagnose gout by simply taking a blood test. However, not all patients with high levels of uric acid have gout. Gout attacks are diagnosed if your blood tests show that you have had an attack with elevated uric acid levels.

Sometimes a single gout attack is enough to stop it from happening again in the future. If you notice that your attacks are getting more frequent, it is a good idea to have fluid taken from the affected joint and examined under a microscope to confirm the presence of monosodium-urate crystals. Gout is not caused by other crystals. Other conditions can also cause crystals to form in the joints, but these are not monosodium-urate crystals. This could lead to different pain management and disease management plans. Sharp urate crystals can cause damage to the tissues around the joints when they are formed during gout attacks.


The better the joint movement, the less you should have. Anti-inflammatory medication can be used to reduce swelling and pain. To flush uric acid out of your body, increase your water intake. If you experience recurring gout attacks, there are several things you need to consider. These include your diet, weight, and lifestyle. Find out what triggers your gout. Prevention is always better than cure.


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