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Is Gout a Disease?

Gout is rapidly becoming a worldwide epidemic, creating a multimillion-dollar market for the medical sector. Big Pharmas have already spotted this market and invested millions in research and development to develop more effective drugs to meet the growing demand. We used to have Zyloprim (allopurinol), Colcrys(colchicines), and other common pain killers. We now have Uloric, Pegloticase, and other new gout medications that are waiting for FDA approvals. Gout will soon be as complex as cancer, which has an endless number of drugs or poisons being used to treat it.

Let’s see…

It is very sensitive to talk about the effectiveness of these chemical drugs here. These ‘high-tech medicines’ are protected by the Fortune 500’s top pharmaceutical companies. It is always a mystery to me how this could have happened. Since primary school, mathematics taught us that to solve complex problems or equations, we must first simplify them so there is only one unknown. It is impossible to solve a problem if we add more variables that make it more difficult. I don’t know how many people reading this can relate.

You will see that there are universal principles that can be applied to all things and events if you truly observe them with a clear mind. Growing up in a traditional Chinese family who practice Taoism (which stresses the importance of maintaining balance), I was somehow gifted with the ability see through the complexity of events and be able to identify the simpler core of a subject.


Gout, diabetes and heart disease are not so scary if you can see past the complexity. These modern diseases aren’t infected with bacteria or virus. Modern diseases are caused by an unhealthy lifestyle that is against the law. High protein meaty foods are not recommended for humans. The Almighty did not create us to sit in an office or on a couch for hours without moving.

These colorful drinks are not allowed! We are not to suppress the warning signs that our bodies give us with synthetic drugs. Your body will send warning signs to you about imbalances such as gouty joints, headaches, and fever. You can’t suppress these calls with drugs. The next time it comes back, it will be more severe. It will continue calling until you do something about the root cause. Gout is not a condition. Gout is a disease if it is treated as such.


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