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Is there an Homeopathic Treatment for Gout?

Gout is a condition that affects the kidneys. Gout will then be diagnosed by a list of symptoms and etiology. Gout will then be identified through a list of symptoms and etiology. Lifestyle recommendations will be made to combat the effects of gout. Finally, homeopathic remedies with the appropriate indications will be offered to help those suffering from gout. Gout is a form of arthritic inflammation in which uric acid deposits form hard nodules in the tissues. This can be caused by an increased blood level of uric acid or decreased excretion through urination.

Gout Facts

Gout can occur in the first metatarsal (big toe) but can also affect the ankles, knees, and feet. Gout can be either acute (affecting just one joint) or chronic. It can also affect multiple joints (e.g., long-lasting, recurring episodes of pain or inflammation that may affect more than one). Gout is more common in men than it is in women and usually appears after the age of 30. Gout is more common in women after menopause. Gout is rare in children. Gout is thought be caused by an inherited inability to properly metabolize purines.

Purines can be found in certain meats and meat products such as anchovies and sardines, liver, beef renals, meat extracts and game meats. Gout susceptibility can also be caused by excessive weight gain. Gout is caused by a lack of uric acid metabolism. It is important to monitor one’s diet. Avoid high-fat foods like ice cream, salad dressings, and fried foods. It is best to eat vegetarian and drink lots of water.

Pain Factor

Extreme pain (crushing or throbbing, etc. in the joints of the big and/or little toes, knees, feet, ankles, and/or feet. The affected joint is warm and red. The pain gradually increases, peaking after a few hours, then gradually decreases. Low fever, chills and headaches may accompany pain. This is usually caused by kidney-related dysfunctions, renal calculi (kidney stone), and other conditions. Gout may be treated with homeopathy. Homeopathy is tailored to each individual’s symptoms.

A homeopath sees health as a whole person and not just isolated symptoms from a specific area. A homeopath will examine your physical symptoms and your mental/emotional disposition. A homeopathic remedy that activates the body’s inherent healing response will be chosen based on this analysis. This healing response will work simultaneously on all levels of your body: mentally, emotionally, as well as physically. Gout sufferers can be treated with homeopathy. Here is a list of homeopathic remedies and their indications for people suffering from gout. Benzoic Acid is very helpful in arthritis, gout and deformity of the joints. When urine is cleared of sediment, the person feels relief. It affects the knees, ankles and toes as well as the hands. Cracking of the joints that occurs when you move.


Colchicum: This homeopathic remedy is one of the most effective for people suffering from gout. The joint becomes red, hot, and swollen. It is extremely sensitive to touch or movement. Nights are worse, as well as from the smallest movement and in cold, damp conditions. Ledum: Feels better when cold is applied (soaking, compresses and weather). This is useful for acute gout at the ankle or knee. It is more severe when you are hot or in bed at night. Ascending pains: First affects the toes, then the knees, hips, and hands. Berberis: Gouty pain that feels like a nail in the ball of your foot when standing.

Gouty sensation in the knee, particularly the left. Pain that results from sitting. Causticum: Gout characterized by a deformity in the toes. Advanced deterioration and calcification of the joints. These are just two of many homeopathic remedies that can be used to treat gout. This list is not complete. To get the best results, consult a qualified homeopath. This article outlines the symptoms and causes of gout. Specific recommendations for healthy lifestyle were made, including those relating to diet. Finally, homeopathic remedies were included with the appropriate indications for those suffering from gout. We appreciate your time and interest in this article. Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease. If you have any questions regarding your health, consult a doctor.


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