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carbonat de calciu,

Pentru ce este bun citratul de potasiu?

Potassium citrate can be found in many foods as a macro-mineral/salt. This mineral helps to lower the acidity in urine. It is used to treat kidney disease and gout. It helps to transmit nerve impulses, improve muscle function, and treat various metabolic disorders. The benefits of potassium citrate include smooth muscle contractions and cardiac, skeletal, as well as skeletal muscle contractions. The mineral is essential…
stimularea imunității

Care este cel mai bun remediu natural pentru gută?

You will find that different doctors will have different opinions about how to treat and prevent your gout. Doctors are unable to prevent gout entirely and only treat symptoms. I know from personal experience that there is a way to prevent gout. My mother suffered from gout attacks every year and experienced an average of 3-4 per year. Once you learn how to prevent gout…