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Saw Palmetto

Is there a Secret for Hair Loss Prevention?

There are many hair loss prevention options that you can use to prevent your hair from falling out. Hair loss can be caused by excessive hat-wearing and poor circulation. Hair loss is most common in women who have been over-treated. Hair loss can also be caused by anemia, anorexia and bulimia. Hair loss can be caused by medications, such as anti-depressants, blood thinners, and medications to treat gout. Female hair loss can be caused by several medications, including antidepressants, blood…
dried rosmary

What is the Link between Weight Loss and Hair Loss?

Is there a connection between weight loss and hair loss? There are many factors that can cause hair loss. Hair grows in a continuous cycle of growing, resting and shedding. The whole process is repeated over and over again. It is common for between 50 and 100 hair strands to fall each day. You don't have to worry about it because every strand that falls out is replaced with a new one. Both come from the same follicle, which is…
hair loss problem

Why am I losing my Hair?

Hair loss can be very stressful for women. Many people believe that hair loss is a problem only for men and are therefore confused and frustrated when it happens. Female hair loss is much more common than people realize. Hair loss can be prevented, treated and reversed in large numbers of women. Temporary hormonal problems such as unusual stress, major surgery, high fever, infection, chemotherapy, certain drugs, and pregnancy are the most common causes. These conditions are usually temporary. Once…
Concept for losing hair

What are Common Causes of Hair Loss?

The body's natural process of renewal involves hair falling out. New growth replaces hair that is falling out. At some point in their lives, most people experience excessive hair loss. This can be caused by a variety of factors including radiation, chemotherapy, medication, stress, hormone and nutritional factors, thyroid disease and generalized or localized skin diseases. Some of these causes are temporary while others are permanent. Hair fall can be caused by aging, styling, and life expectancy. A single hair…
All scalp related problems

Can Ayurveda prevent Hair Loss?

All of us experience hair loss at some point in our lives. It is important to understand the hair structure and its normal growth cycle in order to identify the causes of hair loss. The root and shaft of hair can be separated from each other. The epidermis of the scalp is where the root of hair is located. The hair root is enclosed by a pouch-like structure called follicle. The bulb-shaped base of the hair root is found at…