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Am I at Risk for Gout?

It is important to understand the risk factors for developing gout in order to prevent and treat the condition. Based on the symptoms and signs below, you may be at high risk of developing gout. It is important to change your lifestyle as soon as possible to prevent a gout problem from developing. Gout is more common in adult males. This is due to lifestyle choices and hormones, as well as diet. You are more at risk if you’re a male with gouty relatives. While you cannot change these things, you can change other habits that could put you at risk.

Women Issues

Women who are postmenopausal have a higher chance of developing gout but not as much as men. Gout can be caused by lead poisoning. If you have ever come in contact with excessive amounts of lead, make sure to consult your doctor to get tested for lead poisoning. Being overweight can also pose a risk factor. Gout can also be caused by obesity and overweight people. Poor diets and other medical conditions can lead to gout. The best way to treat gout is to lose weight and make changes to your diet.

Drinking excessive alcohol can increase your risk of developing gout. It can also increase the severity of the condition if you already have it. Gout can also be caused by too much saturated fat. Both of these things can increase your risk of developing gout in a young age. Gout can be caused by pre-existing medical conditions or medications. Gout is a severe form of arthritis that can be very painful. Gout can be caused by primary diseases such as thyroid disorders, diabetes, heart disease and kidney problems.


Although gout is not a common condition, some medications may trigger it. Lifestyle and diet are key factors. If you eat poorly and don’t exercise, you can expect to develop gout in your lifetime. Excessive alcohol consumption. Gender and age. An older male is at greater risk.


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