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What are Joint Pain Causes and Treatment?

As we age, so do our body systems and parts. Many of these parts are already beginning to lose their functions and can affect each other. They can cause complications and other diseases. Joint pain is one of the most common diseases caused by old age. Adults over 45 are more likely to experience joint pain. Many people in this age group experience creaking in their knees, hips, and ankles. This is not a sign of aging, but it could also be a sign of arthritis.


Exercise is the best treatment for joint pain. However, medicine has many other options. Joint pain could be a sign of serious conditions such as arthritis, gout and osteoarthritis. It can also be a sign that you have rheumatoid or gout. The pain could affect your entire body, as it could lead to immobilization. Joint pain can also affect a person’s ability to work, their livelihood, and relationships with family members and friends. The pain can become recurrent and may not be treated with over-the-counter pain relievers.

What can you do if your pain is not limited to the joints? Although arthritis is a cause of joint pains, diagnosing it is more complicated than simply telling doctors that you feel pains in your joints or near your joints. There are more than 100 types of arthritis today. Gout, another type of arthritis, can cause severe joint pains. This is due to uric acid crystals accumulating in the joints, usually in the arms or legs.

Joint Pain

Gout can cause persistent joint pains that can lead to osteoarthritis. Worst of all, persistent joint pain can lead to osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, causes the most common type arthritis. As we age, the cartilage between the bones that acts as a shock absorber becomes less elastic and becomes stiffer. It also loses its flexibility and is damaged. These cartilages and ligaments can cause pain when they wear down.

Rheumatoid is the second most common cause of joint pain. Joint pains can be caused by inflammation in the joints. Researchers believe that this type of arthritis is caused in part by an external organism such as a virus or bacteria that attacks joints. Thirdly, the joints are also affected by polymyalgia rheumatica or temporal arteritis. The first affects the larger joints, such as the hip and shoulders, while the latter affects blood vessels to the head. Both of these diseases are often combined. PMR symptoms include pain in the hip, shoulder and neck joints, fever, and weight loss.


Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that causes joint pains in many parts of the body. Depression is not just a feeling of sadness, but also a condition that manifests in the body. Many people experience back pain, joint pain, and abdominal pain while they are suffering from depression. Joint pain can be a problem for both the body and the mind. A physician should be consulted if a patient has a fever that is not related to flu, sudden weight loss, or long-lasting joint pain.


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