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What are common Gout Natural Remedies?

Why are so many people turning to natural remedies for gout? Gout is a condition many people have lived with for a long time. They have tried many treatment options, including prescription medications. If you are one of these people, then you may still be searching for the solution to your gout pain. People don’t like long-term medication. This is another reason natural gout remedies are popular. It is often expensive to take medication long term. However, side effects can lead to many other problems. This is especially true if you are taking a medication for many years.

Home Remedies

You may have noticed that there are many home remedies for gout. Two articles have been written by me. One article contains 5 remedies, the other 3 It is impossible to cover all the options in one article. Here are a few more. After I am done, I will direct you to a resource that has been proven to be very beneficial for many. This method has been proven to be effective in relieving gout pain.

Many people have used bromelain to treat gout. This digestive enzyme speeds up the digestion of proteins. Gout has been linked to diets high in protein for many years. Bromelain is also found in the stems of pineapples and can be taken as a supplement. You will also get potassium if you take pineapple as a form of supplement. This potassium converts uric acid to a form that can be easily eliminated by urine.

Arnica is another option for gout. Native Americans loved this herb, which was popularized in the 1500’s. This herb can be used in a salve, ointment or topical cream. It can reduce inflammation that is caused by gout attacks. Gout sufferers will also benefit from honey’s many medicinal properties. This is another way to reduce the severe inflammation that can be associated with gout. The list of natural remedies for gout is long. I hope you find the following three useful.


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