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What are Gout Arthritis Symptoms?

Gout is a type of arthritis pain. Gout is a painful condition that causes inflammation and swelling in the joints. This is mostly caused by the buildup uric acid. Gout arthritis can also be exacerbated by certain foods. Gout can be treated with medication and a healthy diet. Gout is most common in the big toe joint. It usually affects one joint at time. Gout is characterized by severe, sudden pain, redness and tenderness in some joints. It can also affect the knee, ankle, wrist, foot, ankle, hand and foot.

Joint Pain

There may be lumps under the skin around the joints and at ear rims. This is called tophi and is caused by uric acid. Sometimes crystals of uric acids can build up in the kidneys, causing kidney stones. Gout is caused by the accumulation of needle-like crystals of uric acids in the connective tissue, joint spaces, or both. This is usually a byproduct of the body’s breakdown of waste products or purines.

After it has been broken down in the blood, uric acid is usually excreted in the urine. Gout occurs when the body’s uric acid levels rise. Gout symptoms can also be influenced by food. Reduce your intake of purine-rich foods such as sardines (in oil), fish, roes, yeast and organ meats (e.g. liver, kidneys, anchovies and legumes (e.g. Dried beans, peas and soybeans), alcoholic beverages, anchovies, legumes (e.g. Gout patients must also lose weight to reduce their uric acids.


There is no permanent cure for gout, but it can be managed and people can live normal lives. Gout can be treated with a combination of different treatments. Gout can be treated with one or more treatments.

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