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What are Great Gout Home Remedies?

Are cherries the only home remedy for gout? No! There are many ways to reduce uric acids and relieve gout symptoms. Ludwig W. Blau, a doctor, was once paralysed from the pain of his severe gout symptoms. Blau was able to manage his pain only after he ate a large bowl full of polished cherries. Blau was able get out of his wheelchair and became pain-free after he began a 6-day treatment with cherries. Later, he was referred to as the doctor who cured gout. Gout relief has been helped by cherries for thousands of people, it is not a secret.

Keep in Mind

Gout is not something cherries can cure. Because cherries contain a compound that neutralizes uric acid, which causes the pain, they can relieve the symptoms. To avoid the terrible pain of gout, do you really have to eat cherries every day? No! Here are some other helpful tips for gout home treatment. Gout is caused by a buildup of uric acid between the joints. The crystals build up between the joints and cause severe pain, swelling, and inflammation. This disease is most commonly associated with the big foot. It can also affect other joints. Millions of people fall for the trap of using painkillers to treat their gout.

Many people cause more damage to their joints by taking painkillers that do not treat arthritis. The cost of treating a disease that used to cost $10 per month (vitamins and healthy foods) could now be thousands of dollars with surgical treatment. Many doctors recommend that you take control of your gout symptoms. Gout is not curable but you can be free from the acute pain and other symptoms. You should be able exercise with little pain. Here are some tips to help you get rid of the pain.

Gout Home Remedies

  • Gout attacks can be prevented by drinking water. Clear urine means you need to add more water to your diet. Get at least 8-10 glasses of fluids per day. Water will keep your urine dilute and flush out uric acid. It will also prevent crystals from forming.
  • Research has also shown that sufferers are often potassium deficient. You can either eat foods rich in this mineral, or supplement it.
  • Fiber is also a great option. Water-soluble fiber foods are great for flushing out uric acid. This can be done by eating at most 5-6 fruits and vegetables per day.
  • Keep it elevated! To relieve pain, doctors recommend elevating your foot.
  • Be proactive about your health, and your lifestyle. These five remedies are only the beginning of a comprehensive treatment for gout. It is important to understand how diet, vitamins, supplements and exercise can affect your uric acid levels, and your gout attacks.

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