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What Factors cause Gout?

Gout symptoms can be caused by excessive uric acid. Gout is caused by too much uric acid in your blood. Gout sufferers should also be aware that there are many risk factors that can lead to acute gout. This is often when they realize that he has developed gout. Gout is often caused by a low body uric acid. Lead poison is another risk factor that can lead to gout. The body does not benefit from lead toxin, especially if someone is at high risk for developing gout. The second factor is weight.

Weight Factor

It is important to lose weight, as overweight people, particularly those with a history of gout, are more likely to experience gout symptoms. Healthy eating habits and weight loss are key to reducing the risk of another gout attack. Gout attacks are more common in males than in women. Gout is more common in adults than it is in children and women.

Gout is a disease that affects wealthy men who drink a lot of alcohol. Gout can increase depending on your gender. Gout can also be caused by your family history. Unfortunately, genetic factors are not controllable. However, gout can also be caused by a family history of gout and other forms of arthritis.

Uric Acid Level

Gout is often caused due to excess uric acids in the blood and body. High levels of purine can also cause gout. Gout can be made worse by the food you eat. Gout can be caused by eating red meat, beer, and other alcoholic beverages. Gout can also be caused by an abnormal kidney function.

The kidney flushes excess urine out of the body. If you have kidney problems, it may be difficult for the kidney to expel the excess uric acids from the body. Last but not the least, eliminate stress from your life. Hypertension and high blood pressure are both risk factors for gout.


Living a stress-free life is possible by exercising and eating right. Gout can be caused by many factors, as you can see. Gout sufferers will be able to overcome gout by taking steps towards reducing these factors.


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