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What is Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a condition that affects someone very close to me. What is arthritis? What is arthritis? It is inflammation (redness and swelling) within one or more joints. I was thinking about the situation and wanted to share my “layman’s” perspective. I won’t try to go into the academic, professional or medical details of this condition. I discovered medical terms that were not considered common in everyday life as a result of my extensive research. My submission is not intended to be an academic presentation.


Research has shown that there are approximately 100 types of arthritis. These can be divided into five major categories. These are (1) Osteoarthritis (2) Rheumatoid and (3) Lupus. (4) Gout (5) is a general category called “other”. What is the best treatment for arthritis What is the most severe form of the disease? Is arthritis preventable? If so, how? Exercise can help. Is there a diet that can help? All questions are welcome. These questions are not my expertise. What I can do is share some of my own experiences with dealing with health problems.

I believe I am like most people in that, until they affect me personally, I don’t pay much attention to the causes or remedies of serious health issues or problems. This is normal. What do you do if you or someone you care about is faced with a serious health problem? Do as much research as possible. You don’t have to be able to understand all the medical terms.

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Doctors have made great strides in understanding the importance of not speaking “over the heads” to their patients. However, when reading medical literature, it seems that the writer must sound as educated and use as much professional terminology. These terms are not as clear-cut for regular people like me, no matter how precise and professional they may seem.

It’s almost code that needs to be deciphered. Find someone who is able to “translate” what is on the “printed” pages. There is no need to list a lot of websites where information can be found.

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