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What are Possible Reasons of Gout Foot Pain?

Foot pain is the most common complaint. According to doctors, most patients complaining of foot pain are from the feet. Do you know why the pain occurs? Most doctors agree that shoes are an unavoidable cause. Sometimes, foot pain can be a sign of more serious problems. If you have foot pain, you might want to read this article to find out why.  Are you overweight? If so, this could be a reason. An increase in weight can cause pressure on the ankles and legs when a person walks.


  • Diabetes could also be a reason. Many people suffer from diabetes today. Many people complain of foot problems. This is usually due to an increase in blood glucose. Sugar levels can cause damage to the blood vessels and nerves of the foot. This can make the foot numb, and increase their chance of being injured. Infections can happen and some people even need to have their feet amputated.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition that causes pain in the joints. The pain can be unbearable and can cause swelling of the feet. There may be changes in the appearance and function of the feet due to arthritis.
  • Gout can be caused by severe arthritis. An increase in uric acid levels in the toes can cause gout, especially in the larger ones. The person experiences extreme pain. The pain can be reduced by regular exercise, water intake, and a healthy diet.
  • Persons with peripheral artery disease will experience a contraction of the legs and veins. This would cause poor blood circulation.
  • Smoking is a major cause of vein contraction. Smoking is a major cause of vein contraction. As many nerves of the body are located in the feet, it is important to keep them healthy. All types of foot pains can, however, be treated with the appropriate medical aid.
  • They should also have the right footwear. Comfortable footwear is not the trend. They can cause pain. Good footwear should not cause pain. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, one should also be careful about what they eat.


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