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How to identify Gout Joint Symptoms?

Gout attacks are often so common that it is easy to diagnose. Gout can often strike quickly and reach its worst in just a few hours. Gout symptoms include pain, swelling, redness, tenderness, and other signs of inflammation. Half of first attacks involve the bunion joint in the foot. 99 percent of first attacks involve one joint. This is usually a peripheral (distal), joint such as the feet and toes.

Gout Attacks

The severity of the attack will determine how long it lasts. A mild attack may resolve in a few days while a more severe attack can persist for several weeks. Anti-inflammatory medication taken early in the attack can often reduce its duration. The attack will subside and the joint slowly returns to its normal state. This is a characteristic sign of gout. Gout attacks can return after an acute attack subsides.

Usually, these attacks occur over a long period of time without any symptoms. Although the second attack may not occur within two years, it is almost certain to occur if the causative factors are maintained.

Did you know?

Recurrences can occur in the same or a different joint. In this case, the symptoms of gout in the joint are similar to an acute gout attack. These include sudden onset and local inflammation. A second attack is possible after subsidence. However, the time between attacks tends to be shorter if there are more severe attacks. Gout can also manifest as other joint symptoms, such as the Achilles tendon (behind your heel) and the tip of your elbow between the tendons surrounding the knee.

Remission will likely be incomplete if there are more acute cases of gout. The following symptoms of joint disease can be seen at this stage: Urate crystal deposits in the joints are likely damage the cartilage lining of joints. This could interfere with joint function and reduce the chance of remission between acute attacks. The patient may then be experiencing recurrent acute attacks and very few remissions.

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