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echinacea, tansy, dil

Come trattare la gotta con i rimedi naturali?

Gout sufferers face the most difficult decision: whether to use medication or not. There are many options for pain relief from gout, including anti-inflammatory medications. However, the long-term question is whether these medications will actually cure the condition or just help with the pain. Gout doctors will often prescribe medication to treat the condition if it is not possible or desirable to change lifestyle habits.…
pillole colorate

Cosa funziona per l'artrite?

Arthritis can cause pain in the joints and even limb deformities in advanced stages. It is a chronic condition that must be properly diagnosed in order to be treated effectively. You should consult your doctor if you suspect you may have arthritis. Some pain in the joints may not be caused by arthritis. Before prescribing medication or therapy, it is important to rule out other…
Chicchi di caffè

Il caffè è salutare per me?

Many studies have been done on coffee's health benefits. Is coffee good for you? There are always two sides to every story. Coffee's health benefits have been controversial for many years. Those who drink it cite its antioxidant activity and brain-boosting potential. Those who don't like it point out its downsides, such as insomnia, indigestion, and high blood pressure. Here are some reasons coffee is…
Ritratto bella donna

Come trattare l'acido urico nel sangue?

Questo articolo spiega perché gli acidi urici elevati nel sangue sono così comuni. Spiega anche perché sempre più persone che soffrono di livelli elevati di urina nel sangue (gotta) si rivolgono a rimedi naturali per trovare sollievo invece di assumere farmaci. Infine, vengono illustrati quattro dei rimedi naturali più efficaci che possono abbassare i livelli di acido nel sangue e alleviare il forte dolore della gotta. Le purine, sostanze chimiche...
dolore con l'artrite

Cosa sono l'artrite reumatoide e l'osteoartrite?

Today, we're going to be discussing two of the most common and potentially fatal conditions: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or Osteoarthritis. Which is worse? It's a trick question. It is absurd to think that one is worse than another - ask anyone who has ever suffered from one. Both can be devastating and both are linked to diabetes and heart disease. Better question: What is the…