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Fresh chopped ginger

What are the best Detox Recipes?

Are you feeling tired, sluggish, and depressed? You might need to take a break and get into a detox bath. A bath can help you relax and can be a great way for you to cleanse your skin. But did you know that detox baths can also cleanse your internal organs? Here are some great detox bath recipes you can try. They are all safe, natural, and easily available at home. This is a great way for your skin to…
These kidney stones

What causes Kidney Stones?

Imagine suddenly feeling a terrible pain in your back. It could start at your waist, then move to your front, and finally to your groin. You could be one of the 1.2 Million Americans who experience kidney stones every year. They are most common in the mid-twenties and early forties. Gender: Men are twice as likely as women to suffer from them. Your risk is increased if you have a family history of them. Insufficient fluid intake: This is the…
Seafood platter

What is a proper Diet for Gout?

Gout is a type of arthritis caused by the buildup of uric acid, a substance found in the human body. This acid is used by our bodies to break down common substances found in many foods, known as purines. Gout is a condition where uric acid builds up in the body. This causes jagged crystal-like formations in bloodstream. These tiny crystals cause the terrible swelling and pain that is gout. What causes uric acid buildup? How can you tell if…