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Homemade healthy low carb or ketogenic

How to naturally deal with Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia can be described as a syndrome with a variety of symptoms, including severe muscle pain, fatigue, cognitive, and memory problems. Although there is no cure or known cause for this disorder, researchers have found several methods that could be used to alleviate or suppress the symptoms. Many people resort to avoiding foods that could aggravate their symptoms to relieve their symptoms. There is no…
Healthy eating

How to eat for combating Arthritis?

There are two main types of arthritis: osteo- and rheumatoid. However, both are closely linked to nutrition. Arthritis is the inflammation of a joint. Arthritis is often caused by what people eat or drink. It is expected to affect 90% of people by the time they reach 60. Although arthritis is not a well-understood condition, some scientists believe that rheumatoid is caused by a micro-organism…
Empty bottles

What is the price of Addiction?

This is a new world that we all live in. The news is filled with battles all over the world, but it leaves out the private battle that millions of people wage every day. This private battle has lasting effects on friends, families, and individuals. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, addiction directly or indirectly affects millions of people every day, resulting in…