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Saw Palmetto

Is there a Secret for Hair Loss Prevention?

There are many hair loss prevention options that you can use to prevent your hair from falling out. Hair loss can be caused by excessive hat-wearing and poor circulation. Hair loss is most common in women who have been over-treated. Hair loss can also be caused by anemia, anorexia and bulimia. Hair loss can be caused by medications, such as anti-depressants, blood thinners, and medications to treat gout. Female hair loss can be caused by several medications, including antidepressants, blood…
long dark hair

What are Causes of Loss of Hair?

This article will discuss the causes of hair fall. It can be difficult to lose your hair. Hair is such an integral part of our physical appearance, that when it falls out, it can cause a loss of self-confidence and self-esteem. It is important to understand the reasons your hair is falling out, and what steps you can take in order to fix it. Hair loss can be caused by many things. Hair loss can occur if you have been…
water is cold

Are there effective Ways of Tacking a Hair Loss Problem?

A person suffering from hair loss can experience severe psychological problems. It can also affect an individual's emotional state. The appearance of a person's hair plays a significant role. It can make a statement about your style. A person's appearance can be affected by a receding or lost hairline. A person's self-esteem is affected when they start to go bald. It is important to seek medical attention in order to fix the problem. Women and men suffer differently. The problem…
dried rosmary

What is the Link between Weight Loss and Hair Loss?

Is there a connection between weight loss and hair loss? There are many factors that can cause hair loss. Hair grows in a continuous cycle of growing, resting and shedding. The whole process is repeated over and over again. It is common for between 50 and 100 hair strands to fall each day. You don't have to worry about it because every strand that falls out is replaced with a new one. Both come from the same follicle, which is…
hair loss

What causes Hair Loss?

It is normal to lose 50-100 hairs per day. This is part of the hair renewal process. Most people experience excessive hair loss at some point in their lives. This can be caused by medication, radiation, chemotherapy and exposure to chemicals. Some of these causes are temporary while others are permanent. These are the most common causes of hair loss. Hormones can both stimulate hair growth and cause hair to fall. Hormonal changes are the most significant factor in hair…
Beautiful young woman

Is there a natural Hair Loss Remedy?

Are you looking for a way to reduce hair loss? Do you know the cause of your hair loss? Normal hair growth cycles last between two and six years. Each hair grows approximately one centimetre per month. Unknowingly losing 20 to 100 hair strands every day is normal. However, there are some people who experience excessive hair loss. Hair falls are not something to be taken lightly, regardless of gender. Hair, our crowning glory, is a statement that defines us…
hair loss problem

Why am I losing my Hair?

Hair loss can be very stressful for women. Many people believe that hair loss is a problem only for men and are therefore confused and frustrated when it happens. Female hair loss is much more common than people realize. Hair loss can be prevented, treated and reversed in large numbers of women. Temporary hormonal problems such as unusual stress, major surgery, high fever, infection, chemotherapy, certain drugs, and pregnancy are the most common causes. These conditions are usually temporary. Once…
Sad woman

What are Causes of Sudden Hair Loss?

Normal hair loss is around 100 hairs per day. There is no need for hair loss treatments at this point. There are times when hair loss is more severe than normal. Stress is the most common reason for sudden hair loss in both men and women. This could be due to psychological stress or physical strain. This can happen during pregnancy, after giving birth, stopping or starting birth control pills, or severe emotional stress. Massive hair loss can also occur…