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long dark hair

What are Causes of Loss of Hair?

This article will discuss the causes of hair fall. It can be difficult to lose your hair. Hair is such an integral part of our physical appearance, that when it falls out, it can cause a loss of self-confidence and self-esteem. It is important to understand the reasons your hair is falling out, and what steps you can take in order to fix it. Hair loss can be caused by many things. Hair loss can occur if you have been…
Pregnancy,family planning

How to prevent Preclampsia?

Preclampsia or toxicemia usually occurs after the 20th weeks of pregnancy. It is characterized by high blood pressure, edema, and protein in the urine. Extreme cases can quickly progress to eclampsia which is a condition in which the blood pressure rises beyond control. This puts the mother and baby at risk of potentially fatal consequences. It affects approximately 200,000 women in the United States each year. Globally, it is the leading cause of infant and maternal death. Preeclampsia can be…
Raw broccoli

What are Health Benefits of Broccoli?

Broccoli is actually a member of the cabbage family and is closely related to cauliflower. It was first cultivated in Italy. Broccolo, the Italian name for the plant, could refer to "cabbage sprout." Broccoli is derived from the Latin name Brachium, which means "branch or arm". This is a representation of the food’s tree-like shape. This vegetable is a mixture of textures and tastes. It can be mildly flowery or fibrous and crunchy. The variety determines the plant's color, which…
Canine Arthritis

What are great Arthritis Treatments?

Let's go backwards now that I have listed my top 5 arthritis tips for cold-weather survival. Arthritis is a common condition that can be passed down from generation to generation. Our country's diet plays a significant role in how our bodies respond to outside attacks. Our lifestyles can make us more susceptible to arthritis. Cold weather and arthritis don't go hand in hand. The foods we eat and don't eat can have a significant impact on how our bodies will…
Sad woman

What are Causes of Sudden Hair Loss?

Normal hair loss is around 100 hairs per day. There is no need for hair loss treatments at this point. There are times when hair loss is more severe than normal. Stress is the most common reason for sudden hair loss in both men and women. This could be due to psychological stress or physical strain. This can happen during pregnancy, after giving birth, stopping or starting birth control pills, or severe emotional stress. Massive hair loss can also occur…
Surface of the skin

What is the real Cause of my Hair Loss?

There may not be one cause for hair loss in all cases. Instead, there may be many factors that can lead to hair loss. This 13-point checklist will help you determine which causes of hair loss may be applicable to your case. Let's first talk about hair growth cycles. Hair goes through a series of cycles: growth, resting, and shedding. Hair loss is when hairs that have been lost are not replaced or more hair follicles enter the resting phase.…
Tea in a mug

Are there Simple Natural Remedies for High Uric Acid?

Gout sufferers are turning to natural remedies to lower their high levels of uric acid, rather than using dangerous side effects from drug-based medications. Natural remedies can reduce uric acid and also relieve pain. Hyperuricea, which is high in uric acid, can cause microscopic crystals the size of needles to form in your joints and tendons. These crystals can cause gout symptoms such as inflammation, redness and stiffness, swelling, heat and unbearable pain. You need to reduce inflammation and relieve…
Glass bottle olive oil

How to Lose Weight and Feel Great?

Recently, I found out that 66% of the U.S. 32% were obese. In 1980, 47% of Americans were overweight and 15% were obese. This is a remarkable increase in a short time. It is time for you to take control of your health and weight. Being overweight comes with a heavy price tag. These are just a few of the many risks associated with being overweight. Obesity can lead to serious, long-term diseases. You have the power to lose weight.…