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Natural, organic healthy juice

How to Detoxify my Body through Juice Fasting?

Every day, our bodies are exposed to toxins from our environment. It could be anything from antibiotics and steroids in meats to pesticides that cover vegetables and fruits to the polluted air we breath. The toxins we inhale and eat must be processed by our bodies. Many people believe that what we put into our bodies can cause a variety of modern-day diseases. This article will address these concerns and show you how to detoxify your body by juice fasting.…
Walnuts are a tree nut

What is Molybdenum Supplement?

Molybdenum, an essential mineral, is naturally found in the human body. It is a trace mineral that is only present in very small amounts in our bodies, but it performs many important functions in our bodies. Molybdenum can be found in soil and is absorbed into plant or animal foods. Whole grains, legumes and green vegetables are good sources of molybdenum. Hard water could be a good source of molybdenum if it runs through your taps. Molybdenum can also be…
Healthy meal

Is my Body ready to Lose Weight?

There are times when we all want to lose weight and burn more fat. Congratulations! You are one of the few people who can eat better and lose weight as they please. Quick question: How long did it take for you to lose weight? Did you have to fast for at least 4-6 weeks, resist cravings, and count calories every day? This meant that you had to really work hard to get your body to lose weight and burn fat.…
papaya slice and papaya juice

What to know when Cleansing for The First Time?

To test your digestion, the first thing I recommend is to eat a lot of frozen corn. Corn is difficult to digest so it will appear in stool in its original form. You can watch your bowel movements to see how long it takes for the corn spores to appear. You might want to speak to me if it takes longer than 48 hours. If you really want to cleanse, COFFEE would be the first thing that I would recommend…
Cup of ginger tea

Are there kinds of Detoxification Food?

Computer radiation, environmental pollution, and poor eating habits can all lead to physical wastes in the human body. The accumulation of toxic substances in the body can cause memory loss, skin sallowness, constipation, and other health problems. People are now interested in how to get rid of toxins and other wastes from their bodies. Some vegetables, such as those we eat every day, have a detoxifying effect. You can start by incorporating these vegetables into your daily diet. The majority…
Human kidney

Are there Home Remedies for Kidney Stones that work?

Kidney stones can be caused by the presence of solid substances within the urine. These solid substances crystallize and form stones. Stones can often be found in the ureters, or tubes to the bladder, and block the outlet. This prevents urine from passing through the urethra. This causes swelling of the kidneys and severe pain in the abdomen or groin. The formation of stones can lead to blood in the urine and severe dehydration. The condition is called nephrolithiasis and…
Juniper essential oil

What are Benefits of Juniper Essential Oil and Rosemary Essential Oil?

Method of extraction: Steam distillation from berries, branches, or twigs. Juniper essential oil, therapeutic grade, is toning, clarifying, and calming. This oil is versatile and very useful. It can be used for natural healing. In medieval times, juniper berries were used to protect doors from witches. It has also been used as a diuretic for hundreds of years. Juniper oil can either be made from the berries of the juniper tree or its branches. The oil can be used topically,…
Selection of essential oils

Is there a Holistic Protocol for Fibromyalgia Sufferers?

Fibromyalgia can be a life-long condition that requires a complete life-changing treatment. There is no "cure" for fibromyalgia. However, there is hope for those who are open to looking at their condition from many different angles. If you've tried conventional medical treatment, you know that you've hit many brick walls. It is difficult to believe that anyone outside of this realm can tell you that there is a solution. This is a life-threatening, debilitating condition. You deserve the best treatment…