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Can Vitamins lower Uric Acid and Prevent Gout?

Gout prevention can be achieved by lowering your body’s uric acid levels. You’ll find a variety of medications, as well as a well-known vitamin, that can reduce the amount of uric acid in your bloodstream. This will help prevent future gout attacks. Gout is caused when needle-like crystals build up in the joints and the surrounding tissue. While it is possible to have a gout attack even if you have low levels, others can suffer from gout attacks with high levels. However, gout can be more common in those who have higher levels.

Let’s understand it

There are many mainstream drugs that can lower your levels. These include medications like Allopurinol or Probenecid, which have been around for a while. They can have side effects, as with all drugs. They are long-term drugs that many people will need to take every day for many years, or even the rest. These drugs are only effective while they are being taken.

Gout sufferers are looking for natural remedies to their problem. Gout sufferers are increasingly looking for natural ways to reduce pain and inflammation, as well as lower acid levels.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the most effective. You can get all the vitamin you need from fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C supplements can also be used to reduce the amount of uric acid in your blood. One study found that consuming 1.0 to 1.5 grams of vitamin C through food reduced the risk for gout by 34% to 45%.

Similar results were found using supplements alone in the same study. Another study found that taking 4.0 grams of vitaminC daily for several days increased uric acid excretion within hours. However, taking 8.0 grams daily for several days decreased actual levels. There is concern that high intakes of vitamin C could cause a gout attack in predisposed individuals due to sudden changes in uric acid levels.

Vitamin C is one our most important vitamins. Gout can be caused by many things. These include your weight, medications, lifestyle, and underlying medical conditions. These issues must be addressed if you want to succeed.


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