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What are Risk Factors for Gout?

Gout attacks occur when the uric acid levels are too high and the excess forms crystals in the joint spaces. Uricase is not produced by humans or gorillas. Uricase is an enzyme that reduces uric acid so that levels don’t rise high enough to cause a gout attack. This just shows that there are limitations to being able to walk on two feet and to being so advanced. Gout attacks and the loss of their uricase enzyme are two of the many consequences of human evolution. Was it worth the sacrifice? Some people might say no to painful gout attacks. You know that uricase is not produced by humans, but not everyone gets gout.

Let’s understand it

This is because some people are more able to expel the uric acids they produce through their kidneys, or they produce less. Because uric acid is formed from the breakdown of purines in certain foods, diet can also play a role. Gout is often a genetic condition. However, many people have a difficult time eliminating excess uric acid. Who is most at risk for gout? Gout is more common among certain populations, especially those who live in Southeast Asia and the Hmong. Gout attacks are more common in these people, who tend to develop the disease earlier and are more likely to have recurrent attacks.

The Maori, a group of New Zealanders who live in New Zealand, also have a high incidence of gout. This further highlights the importance of genetics. Gout is more common in men than in women. However, women are more likely to develop gout after menopause. Women’s uric acid levels increase after menopause. Gout and high uric acid levels are linked to medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and thyroid disease.

Did You Know?

Gout may be more common in those who take diuretics, low dose aspirin, cyclosporine or levodopa, or medications that treat tuberculosis. Lifestyle is one of the most important risk factors for gout. Gout can be caused by even one alcoholic drink per day. People who love to party are in for a bad surprise. This is because alcohol has purines and beer has the highest levels. Gout attacks can be especially severe for those who binge drink. Gout can also be caused by eating foods high in purines.

This is especially true if you eat food that is high in purines and alcohol. Purines are most common in high-protein foods made from animal products. A big steak and a few drinks could cause big toe pain in someone who is susceptible. Gout attacks are not common for everyone with a high level of uric acid. If your uric acid levels rise, you have a one-in-five chance of getting gouty at some point. This could be big toe gout, or gout that involves other joints.


Gout flare-ups led to Jefferson being unable to attend meetings that were centered around the Declaration of Independence. Gout was once called the “disease for kings” because it was a common problem among royalty. It is likely that they ate a lot of purine-rich foods and drank too many. You don’t have the same fate as them. Gout is a combination of genetics and lifestyle.

Lifestyle is the most important factor. Avoid foods high in purines, and avoid alcohol if you have had a history of gout. You could end up with a painful swelling joint due to a gout attack. Gout flares can be controlled with medications. However, some people can reduce their uric acid levels by making lifestyle and diet changes. Talk to your doctor about these matters.


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