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Baking soda

How to flush the Gout Pain down?

Anyone with an internet connection can find natural remedies for gout. It is difficult to know which are being researched and which ones have been passed down through the centuries. Natural health research is on the rise! Natural gout remedies are becoming more popular as more people accept holistic and alternative treatments. Why is gout so popular, you ask? Gout statistics are astronomical! Gout is…
Water splash

Is Alkaline Water a natural Gout Treatment?

In earlier articles, I discussed the importance of drinking water for natural gout treatment. All water types are different. Hard water is better than soft water because it contains more minerals, while distilled water is acidic. Alkaline water, also known as ionized water, is the best water for natural gout treatment. Alkaline water has an alkaline pH value that is higher than other types. Alkaline…

What is Bilberry good for?

Let's start with what is bilberry? The genus vaccinium gives bilberry its name. These shrubs usually bear very delicious fruits. In the cooler regions of North America and Eurasia, bilberry can be found under the canopy of older trees. Bilberry was known as a powerful herb that could treat diseases of the digestive and circulatory systems as well as the eyes. What is bilberry? What…