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lady with back pain

What could be causing Joint Pain?

No matter if you live a physically active lifestyle or a more sedentary lifestyle, you will likely realize how important it is for your knees to be healthy and functioning well. There are many functions that the knees serve. These knees not only support the body's weight, but they are also essential for any movement. It is no surprise that knee joint pain is a…
Arthritis person hand

What are Lupus Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Many people don't know the difference between lupus and rheumatoid. Both are autoimmune diseases where the body creates itself and causes harm. So where do you draw the line? Experts in medicine agree that it is difficult to diagnose and differentiate these diseases. Both diseases often have overlapped clinical signs and laboratory abnormalities. Lupus arthritis and RA incidence are distinguished by the fact that more…
Fresh strawberries

Can Gout Be Treated With Alternative Medicine?

The patient's name is not important to holistic medical professionals who treat the patient holistically. They are looking at the entire patient and not just the gout. Gout is a manifestation or dis-ease in the patient. While it may temporarily relieve symptoms, it doesn't treat the root cause. What causes gout? One might be told that certain families are predisposed to gout. You may also…