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L'aloe vera peut-il combattre l'arthrite ?

Many people have mobility issues due to arthritis. This condition affects approximately 35 million North Americans. This condition can cause severe pain, discomfort, mobility problems, and a decreased quality of…

Quels sont les avantages des oméga 3 ?

Many people may wonder what the benefits of omega 3 fatty acids supplements. These omega fatty acids supplements can help prevent you from falling prey to the many inflammatory diseases…

La goutte est-elle une forme douloureuse de la polyarthrite rhumatoïde ?

This newsletter is about gout, a painful condition that can cause severe pain and how it affects your body. Gout is a painful condition that causes pain and discomfort. It…

Quels sont les troubles musculo-squelettiques les plus courants ?

Musculoskeletal disorders (also known as MSDs) are minor problems that affect the bones, joints, and muscles. These disorders are common as people age, especially in the elderly. It is possible…

Quelles sont les causes et les risques de l'arthrite ?

Because there are so many possible contributing factors to arthritis, it can be difficult to pinpoint the cause. It is even more difficult to find effective arthritis treatment because some…

Comment traiter l'arthrite et les douleurs articulaires ?

Arthritis refers to inflammation of the joints due to injury or infection. This condition of inflamed joints is most common in the elderly. It is derived from two Greek words:…

Quels sont les remèdes à base de plantes contre l'inflammation et la douleur de la goutte ?

Inflammation refers to a condition where the body reacts to injury, infection, irritation, environmental changes, or malignancy. Inflammation can cause swelling and pain. Sometimes, however, internal inflammation can cause discomforts…

Quelles sont les différences entre la goutte et la pseudogoutte ?

Although Pseudo Gout and Gout are two distinct diseases, the symptoms of both are nearly the same. Both are the most common types crystal-induced arthritis. Both are inflammation-related diseases and…

Quelle est la douloureuse vérité sur l'arthrite ?

Arthritis can be used to describe almost 100 different types of joint inflammation. Each condition has its own symptoms and treatment plan. People often refer to joint pain as a…