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How to Treat Gout and Prevent Attacks?

Avoid these foods to treat gout and prevent attacks! It might seem daunting to find the right diet for gout prevention. It is up to you to decide what the right diet is. It is up to you to learn about the foods you should avoid and then you must act! It will become second nature before you know it. Your attacks will decrease. It may seem like you only have a few options once you have a list of foods you must avoid.

Gout Prevention

You don’t need to be a professional chef or a master chef to create meals that help prevent gout. The internet, good cook books and the internet are your friends. You can search for recipes you like and are able to make easily. Make sure that the ingredients do not match your “avoid” list. Below is a list of foods with high levels of purine. These are foods you should avoid.

Let me clarify this: High levels of purine increase the amount of uric acid in your bloodstream. If this goes on, the uric acids will crystallize and cause you pain. Did I scare anyone? You are now ready to fight gout and prevent future attacks. These foods can be difficult to avoid, especially if you are out for dinner. I recommend that you eat it in small quantities. However, if you’re going to eat something, and don’t know how it will affect you, you can isolate the food. If your gout flares up, you will know what kind of food it was so you are better prepared for the future.


Get moving every day. They don’t need to be full-blown exercises (e.g. Walking, running, stretching, and biking all make great low-impact exercises. Combine that with a healthy diet, and you’ll lose weight. This is great for preventing gout. Before you do any exercises, check with your doctor to make sure that they are safe for you. Eight glasses of water per day is the recommended minimum. If you are active, 10-12 glasses is recommended. This will help flush out excess uric acid. Many people with gout agree that a diet has helped them to prevent it or treat it. You need to find the right diet for you. One that is easy to manage. This will lead to a healthier lifestyle.


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