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레드 칠리 페퍼

통풍에 효과가 있는 천연 치료제가 있나요?

Gout can be treated naturally by lowering the level of uric acid in the body without the need for pain relievers or medications prescribed by a doctor. When pain medication is not working, many people increase the frequency and dosage of the medication. This can lead to more harm than good. Pain medication will merely mask the pain, not eliminate the cause. Gout natural remedies…
레드 체리

통풍과 퓨린이 풍부한 음식은 어떤 관련이 있을까요?

The liver, brains and kidneys of certain animals share one thing in common: they are all purine rich foods. This could increase your chances of getting gouty. This is a painful condition that affects your feet, especially the joint at your big toe. This joint is affected by a compound called uric acid, which crystallizes and causes swelling, inflammation, and a strong burning sensation. This…
통풍성 토푸스

결절성 통풍은 어떻게 치료하나요?

Gout, an antiquity-related disease, is gaining popularity. It has been estimated that over eight million Americans may have the condition. There are many reasons for this. The first is that more Americans are overweight, which is a major risk factor for developing gout. Gout can also be caused by an increase in the availability and consumption of high fructose-containing beverages. Gout is caused by the…