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Como tratar a Artrite Reumatóide?

Rheumatoid-arthritis is not curable. The goal of treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis is to reduce joint inflammation, pain, maximize joint function, prevent joint destruction, and deformity. Early intervention is key to reducing chronic joint inflammation and soft tissue swelling. A comprehensive treatment program is necessary to provide optimal care. This disease affects the peripheral joints, such as the hands, feet, wrists and knees. It also affects…
Vinagre de sidra de maçã

O que é uma análise ao sangue para detecção de ácido úrico elevado?

If your doctor suspects you might have gout, he may order a test to determine if there is too much uric acid in your blood. Gout attacks that recur can cause permanent damage to the joints and kidneys. It is important to have your doctor diagnose you. This section will help you understand the causes of high uric acid and provide a summary of both…
Cortar talos de aipo

Quais são as causas importantes das pedras nos rins?

Although kidney stones, also known medically as renal calculi, aren't as common as flu and cough, it is still a major reason why people rush to the emergency room. The normal color for urine is white to yellow. If your urine appears to be a different color than normal, such as pinkish or pinkish, you should immediately consult your family doctor, the hospital, or a…