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Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Are there secrets to eliminate Arthritis Pain?

Learn the truth behind the disease and what you can do to live a pain-free life. There are more than 100 types of arthritis, including Osteoarthritis and Gout. There are also Fibromyalgia, Gout, and Fibromyalgia. These conditions can cause joint stiffness, inflammation, and pain. It can make getting out of bed in a morning agonizing, getting up from your chair torture, and even getting in and out your car an easy task. I was able to recall a patient aged…
Four jars of healthy dried herbs

Are there Ayurvedic Remedies for Joint Pain?

As a person ages, pains in the joints become more common. These joint pains are more often caused by arthritis. There are many types of arthritis that can develop in old age. All of these types indicate that the joints are becoming worn down over time and are not attacking themselves. Joint pains can be referred to as an autoimmune disease. one in which the body attacks its own body. Sandhi Vata is the Ayurvedic term for arthritic joints pains.…
bunion in foot

What are safe Arthritis Home Remedies?

The Greek words arthro meaning joint and itis with the meaning inflammation make up the word arthritis. Arthritis is a condition that affects the bones and muscles of a joint. An arthritis-affected joint is often very painful, stiff, and swollen. Arthritis can be so severe that it can interfere with your daily activities and limit movement. Our joints are protected by capsules containing synovial fluid. The cartilages that connect bone heads at a joint serve as cushions and allow for…
Knee joint

How to deal with Joint Pain and Arthritis?

Arthritis is a common condition that affects literally millions of people around the world. Many people find relief in mainstream medical care. Are there other options that can be effective? First, let's give you a brief overview of arthritis. Arthritis is a broad term that covers over 100 conditions, some of which are common, others less common and some very rare. Arthritis is inflammation of one or more joints. It can be caused by injury, infection, or just plain wear…
Rheumatoid arthritis

How to eliminate Gouty Symptoms?

Gout is often referred to as gouty arthritis due to its association with arthritis. Gout is just one type of arthritis. Gout is the most severe type of arthritis and accounts for about 5% of all cases. Gouty arthritis symptoms include stiffness, heat and swelling as well as inflammation and pain that can be quite severe. These symptoms can occur in any joint, but most gouty arthritis occurs in the big toe. Gouty arthritis symptoms can be caused by uric…
Green smoothie

How to heal the Natural Way?

The main difference between natural healing remedies and those in the Physician’s Desk Reference is the fact that the Physician’s Desk Reference has double blind research and studies listing which dosages cause which side effects. Many herbal remedies do not have this standard. Fortunately, most herbal remedies have side effects that are not as severe as those found in the Physician's Desk Reference. It is not clear whether some herbs are able to produce the placebo effect. There are many…
Knee painfu

What are Arthritis Symptoms, Causes and Treatments?

Arthritis, a chronic joint disease, causes joint inflammation and sharp pain. Arthritis is caused by factors such as obesity, hormonal imbalance, heredity and past bone injury or infection. The friction between the bone heads at a joint occurs when the cartilages become weaker and less able to repair themselves after daily wear and tear. Friction between bones can cause them to become eroded into osteophytes, pointed spur-like outgrowths, or damage surrounding tissues. This can lead to arthritis or inflammation of…
Ache in human body

What are common Arthritis Myths?

Many people mistakenly believe that arthritis can only be contracted by older people. It is possible for young people to develop this disease in their early years of life. Notable is also the fact that arthritis is often associated with diseases that affect the joints, but it actually refers more than 100 diseases of the muscular or skeletal system. These diseases can cause damage to the heart, kidneys, lungs, muscles, as well as the heart. There are more than 125…