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zeolite group

Why is Zeolite important for my Health?

Zeolite, a mineral and an aluminosilicat, is formed from the interaction of hot lava from volcanoes with sea or ocean water. There are many types and compositions of zeolites today. However, only two have been used for therapy: Clinoptilolite or Chabazite. Frederik Cronstedt, a Swedish mineralogist, gave the term "zeolite". It comes from Antique Greek which means "to boil". In a mot-a–mot translation, the term "zeolite" would refer to "the stone which boils", referring to the amazing interaction between hot…
Spoon of baking soda

Will Alkaline Water change my Life?

Alkaline Water is alkaline-based and therefore healthier than piped water. It has many health benefits and is an effective anti-oxidant. Alkaline is essential for your body to digest food and keep all systems running smoothly. It also helps to heal any damage. Alkaline balances pH levels that are affected by eating acidic foods and drinking bubbly sodas. There has been much debate about the quality of government-provided drinking water in recent years. Although drinking water has been purified to remove…
Fresh sliced cucumbers

What to know about Kidney Stones?

Are you looking for ways to dissolve kidney stones. Before you start looking for solutions, it is important to understand the cause of your kidney stones. This article will provide valuable information on remedies that can be used to treat kidney stones. It is a hard, crystalline mineral that forms in your kidneys or urinary tract. It is also known medically as Nephrolithiasis. The five main types are calcium, uric, struvite and cysteine. Common symptoms include blood in the urine,…
Portrait pretty woman

How to deal with Blood Uric Acid?

This article explains why high blood uric acids are so common. It also explains why more people suffering from high blood uric levels (gout) are turning to natural remedies for relief instead of taking drug-based medication. Finally, you will learn four of the most effective natural remedies that can lower the acid levels in the blood and ease the severe pain of gout. Purines, chemical compounds found in our bodies and in the foods we eat, are the main reason.…
Cancer cells

Is my Body a Toxic Waste Dump?

These people are always on my mind when I see them on magazines covers or on labels for health products. They are so full of energy and vitality. As I continued to research wellness issues, I discovered that toxic buildup in the body was one of the major reasons we lack vitality. Some of us don't have the smooth skin we see in those photos. We lack the energy to do what we want. This article will discuss the effects…
Healthy Food

Why to do a Whole Body Cleanse?

Living in the modern world is toxic. Every day, we are exposed to toxins. We breathe in air that has been polluted by chemical toxins. Studies have shown that the amount of oxygen in our air is only 19%, which is a lot less than it was in ancient times. Water we drink is full of chemicals and pollutants. This water is also used to bathe. It absorbs into our skin. Water absorbs it too. Our skin is one our…
drinking water

Why to Hydrate and Detoxify for Gout?

To combat arthritis and other arthritic diseases, you need to eliminate excess toxins from the body. These toxins, also known by acids, build up over time due to poor diet, lifestyle, stress, and environment. The main problem is dehydration. A body that isn't properly hydrated can't detoxify itself. Alkaline ionized waters are the fastest and easiest way to do this. They also keep your cells healthy and working efficiently on an ongoing basis. Most people don't know they are dehydrated.…
water in glass

How to Detoxify and Fight Arthritis?

To fight arthritis naturally and effectively and make progress towards recovery, you must reduce the acidity in your body. You must first detoxify your body and then maintain a healthy balance. While a few diet changes can help, drinking alkaline water can help to neutralize the acids, which will lead to a more natural, long-term detoxification process and a balanced body. This will allow you to live the pain-free life you want. Reduce or eliminate animal protein from your diet,…