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Juicy Orange

What are Essential Oils good for?

As the above quote from Isaiah shows, fragrant trees were used primarily to build in biblical times. Solomon was a master builder of palaces and temples. According to biblical writings, Solomon sent workers into the forests of Lebanon to cut down cedars. He lined his temple and palace with pine, only to have it burn to the ground in a conflict a few years later. Pine oil was traditionally used to treat "old coughs" and the respiratory system. Egyptians ate…
Guelder Rose

What are Guelder Rose Healing Properties?

Ornamental plants are meant to delight your heart and eyes. They can also be used for medical purposes. Black chokeberry fruits are rich in sugars, flavonoids and vitamins C, P, vitamin C, carotene, organic acid, tannins, and other biologically active substances. These fruits are especially recommended for people suffering from indigestion. They have been shown to reduce atherosclerosis and blood pressure. People with gastritis, excessive gastric acids secretion, and low blood pressure should not consume the juice and fruits of…
Preparation of herbal tincture

What to know about Herbal Medicine?

This is Part 3 of a series of articles on herbal plants that can help with many conditions and illnesses. These natural herbs can help you in many ways, even if you've never tried herbal medicine before. I encourage you to choose the one that you are most in need of and to try it out. It won't take long for you to have your own herbal medicine cabinet. The spring tonic, nettle leaf, is also a general detoxifying agent…
Peppermint essential oil

What is the Truth about Natural Pain Relief?

This title seems almost hostile to natural pain relief. Natural pain relief can actually be quite refreshing. Due to numerous personal horror stories, news reports and lawsuits, as well as the efforts of Natural Health promoters in educating the public about natural remedies in general and natural pain relief as part of that education, it is now common knowledge that pain medication such as Tylenol and ibuprofen (VIOXX, Celebrex, etc.) are not the best options. These are not the best…
Juniper essential oil

What are Benefits of Juniper Essential Oil and Rosemary Essential Oil?

Method of extraction: Steam distillation from berries, branches, or twigs. Juniper essential oil, therapeutic grade, is toning, clarifying, and calming. This oil is versatile and very useful. It can be used for natural healing. In medieval times, juniper berries were used to protect doors from witches. It has also been used as a diuretic for hundreds of years. Juniper oil can either be made from the berries of the juniper tree or its branches. The oil can be used topically,…
Selection of essential oils

Is there a Holistic Protocol for Fibromyalgia Sufferers?

Fibromyalgia can be a life-long condition that requires a complete life-changing treatment. There is no "cure" for fibromyalgia. However, there is hope for those who are open to looking at their condition from many different angles. If you've tried conventional medical treatment, you know that you've hit many brick walls. It is difficult to believe that anyone outside of this realm can tell you that there is a solution. This is a life-threatening, debilitating condition. You deserve the best treatment…
Shallow depth

What are Radish Benefits for Health?

Radish was more than a vegetable. It was brought to us by the Mediterranean Sea. Hippocrates spoke highly of the health benefits of this root, especially when used in the treatment for lung diseases. Dioscoride recommended that radishes be used for treating coughs and improving vision. People in ancient Egypt made oil from radish seeds, and the roots were used in food. It is better to eat it before you eat dinner, as it aids digestion. The radish is mentioned…
Camphor oil

How to naturally control Hair Loss?

Hair loss can affect both sexes. It can happen to anyone at any age, and it is caused by many factors. These include thyroid disease, cancer, medications like those used to treat depression, gout, and heart problems. The problem usually resolves itself once you stop taking the medication. It can also occur in women who have given birth or when there are hormonal imbalances in the body. It can be caused by hereditary factors in some cases. You can find…