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What are Radish Benefits for Health?

Radish was more than a vegetable. It was brought to us by the Mediterranean Sea. Hippocrates spoke highly of the health benefits of this root, especially when used in the treatment for lung diseases. Dioscoride recommended that radishes be used for treating coughs and improving vision. People in ancient Egypt made oil from radish seeds, and the roots were used in food. It is better to eat it before you eat dinner, as it aids digestion. The radish is mentioned in mythology, too. Apollo stated that radish is as valuable as gold, and that it was worth as much as its weight. What “gold” does it hold? The fresh juice and roots are the only sources of medicinal raw radishes.

Radish Fiber

The fiber in radish helps to remove cholesterol from the body. This is an important step towards preventing atherosclerosis. Fresh radish juice is good for cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. The remedy for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract is known to be radish juice with honey, syrup, or brewed from radishes. The strong antiseptic properties of radish juice and grated radishes promote healing of ulcers and purulent wounds. Radish seeds can also be powdered in small amounts of water to have antimicrobial properties. Alternative medicine uses radish as a diuretic for gout, nephrolithiasis and other conditions.

Radish can also be used to increase the secretion from digestive glands. There are some contraindications to radishes. It is not recommended to be used in peptic ulcers, gastritis and enterocolitis. Black radish is bitterest but most useful. It has the highest concentration of essential oils and organic acids. It also contains many trace elements that are necessary for good health, such as iron, potassium, and magnesium. Black Radish is a natural antibiotic that does not have the side effects of synthetic drugs. The enzymes in radish cells break down many bacteria. Root juice is effective in treating tender wounds, ulcers, and other inflammatory conditions.

Although this radish is more flavorful than his bitter brother the green one has less healing power. It contains less bitter and mineral components. It can be used as a substitute for bitter black radish. It is especially good when eaten with rice dishes. Daikon is a favorite vegetable in Japanese cuisine. Daikon tastes milder and less bitter than radish. The vegetable retains all the benefits of radish but does not contain mustard oil that has a stimulating effect. Daikon is safe for those with heart disease and the elderly. According to Japanese scientists daikon aids in the elimination of intake.


Magnets have been used for centuries for healing purposes. Preventive use of magnets can make your body stronger and help prevent many diseases. Modern medicine and magnetotherapy complement each other, as they do not exclude one another. The micro-circulation can also be improved. Cells are better supplied oxygen and have more nutrients like vitamins, minerals, proteins. Many processes of regeneration are speeded up and toxins are eliminated faster. A microscopy examination was used to diagnose magnetic jewelry energetic in Germany.

Millions of people have experienced the positive effects of magnetotherapy on their health and well-being. This includes a feeling of renewed energy and reduced stress. Since 2000 BC, magneto therapy was used in China for therapeutic purposes. Legend has it that Queen Cleopatra used to wear a magnetic necklace to preserve her beauty and youth. Paracelsus William Gilbert, a famous swiss physician, was Queen Elizabeth I’s personal physician in the eighteenth Century. He and Franz J. Mesmer successfully treated pain and gout as well as nervous disorders and cramps using magneto therapy. Mozart was so thrilled about Mesmer’s success.

Magnetism Benefits

Magnetism can be used in medicine with sophisticated devices such as magnetic resonance imaging, and in dentistry with the use of magnetic implants. Magnetism is not only used in mainstream medicine, but health claims are also being made. People are increasingly using magnets in jewelry and other forms of magnets. Magnets are used to treat injuries and pain. Some athletes wear magnet-infused flexible pads in their knee and lumbar supports. Other areas of the body, such as the wrist, elbow, and ankles, can also be covered with magnets. Magnetic therapy is also being used to sew magnets into clothing and shoes.

Flexible magnets are now available in most pro-shops. Golf seems to be the only sport that has truly embraced magnetic therapy. It is not clear why this type of therapy is so popular among golfers. Maybe it is just a matter of popularity. The Greeks, who used magnets to treat gout and muscle spasm 2500 years ago, are the first to have ever used them. The Middle Ages saw magnets being applied to the skin of people in Europe, believing that they would eradicate disease.

Magnetic Therapy

Magnetic therapy is currently centered around red blood cells. These cells are iron-rich and the magnetic field generated from the magnet is said to stimulate them. This activity is believed to oxygenate cells, resulting in faster healing. Magnets are also believed to speed up the release of lactate from cells, which can speed up recovery after exercise. This is one reason magnets are so popular among athletes. Recent medical claims include the ability to heal broken bones, reduce pain and stiffness, improve peripheral blood circulation, and reduce clinical depression. According to the source, claims have been made that magnetic therapy can improve the health of 70% of patients.

There seems to be a split in medical opinion on the topic with polarized opinions from both the pro and the anti side. Magnetic therapy advocates claim that when a charged particle travels through magnetic fields it creates an alternating current that generates heat. This heat enlarges blood vessels and increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the injured area. Although there isn’t much evidence to support this claim, believers believe it is true. You can try this therapy by purchasing magnets. Look for reputable suppliers that list the strength of the magnets they supply.


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