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What is The Price of Addiction?

This is a new world that we all live in. The news is filled with battles all over the world, but it leaves out the private battle that millions of people wage every day. This private battle has lasting effects on friends, families, and individuals. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, addiction directly or indirectly affects millions of people every day, resulting in more than $539 billion annually in lost income. The combined costs of diabetes, cancer, and…
Diet for gout

What is Lupus and Gout?

Problems with the wrist, hand, and fingers can be caused by injury or non-injury such as overuse or aging. You might feel numbness, soreness, or a burning sensation. You might also notice swelling. Here are some ways to relieve pain from overuse or medical conditions.Take NoteCarpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused by pressure on the median nerve in your wrist. You may feel numbness, tingling, or pain in your hand and fingers. Tendon pain is caused by…