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How to understand Gouty Arthritis?

Gouty arthritis (or simply gout) has left a long, painful legacy of suffering and pain. Gout can be treated quickly and correctly. However, it is not always that simple. Gouty arthritis was first documented in ancient Egypt in 2640 B.C. Later, Hippocrates wrote about a condition he called podagra or, as it was known at the time, “the un-walkable illness”. The belief that the four “humors” dictated bodily health was a common one during that period. The belief was that the four humors could be balanced with each other to maintain good health. It was believed that someone suffering from “the un-walkable illness” had one of their humors drop into the infected joint, causing inflammation and swelling.

Gouty Arthritis

It has been associated with the wealthy since the first cases were reported. Because of its association to alcohol and rich foods, the disease was called “the disease of the kings” in the middle ages. Gouty arthritis treatment has also evolved over the years. Colchicine, still prescribed for gout treatment, was first used in ancient Greece over two millennia. However, it was only used for general health purposes. This compound was first used for gout in the sixth century. Gout is often treated with natural or chemical substances that quickly remove uric acid from your body.

This method of treating gout was first discovered in the late 19th century. Gout treatment doesn’t have to involve any pills. There are however many natural and common-sense remedies that can be used. Gout can be prevented by lifestyle changes and diet control.

Weight Loss

Losing weight is a good first step. Gouty arthritis is more common because of the extra stress your joints are subject to. Losing weight can help you naturally reduce the amount of uric acids your body retains. Gout is less likely to develop if you lose weight. Gout can be prevented by reducing your intake of lean meat to six ounces per day. Gout is more likely to develop if you have high levels of animal protein in your bloodstream.

Although you don’t need to give up meats like chicken, fish, and lean meats, it can be beneficial to eat a little less. Again, the evils of alcohol rear their ugly heads. Consuming alcohol can reduce the amount of uric acids the body eliminates. Limit your alcohol intake to two drinks per day if you are a man. If you are a woman, limit it to one. Avoid alcohol if you have severe gout.


Drinking an extra glass of water per day can help you stay gout-free, it’s true. Your body flushes out more uric acid the more you drink water. Gout, a devilish disease, has been with us from the beginning. It will likely stay with us until we are all gone, despite all the common sense precautions. With a few lifestyle changes, the Disease of Kings can be kept in permanent exile.


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