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What are common Arthritis Symptoms?

Arthritis can be described as a painful condition that affects the bones and joints. There are many types of arthritis. Some types are degenerative while others are inflammatory. A feeling of weakness and fatigue may accompany the disease. Most often, the pain in the joints starts in the hands, especially the knuckles. Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common form of arthritis. The pain can be felt in both hands at once. Other common forms of arthritis include ankylosing and juvenile arthritis, osteoarthritis as well as gout, ankylosing spine arthritis, gout, septic arthritis, and systemic lupus.


An infection can also lead to other forms of arthritis. An infection can also cause arthritis. Lyme disease and gonorrhea are two examples. Infections can lead to severe injuries. However, most arthritis is treated with antibiotics. Scleroderma is a systemic condition that affects the skin and may include damage to blood vessels, internal organs, and the joints. Soft-tissue rheumatism, also known as fibromyalgia syndrome, can cause deformation of the joints. It affects approximately 5 million Americans, most of whom are women.

There have been more than 100 different types of arthritis and other arthritis-related conditions reported. There are many common symptoms of arthritis that must be considered when diagnosing the condition. These common symptoms can be combined with other forms of arthritis to make a diagnosis. If a person experiences any of these symptoms, such as persistent pain in the joints, unexplained weight loss, or non-specific fever, they may have arthritis.


Common signs of arthritis include joint deformities, inflammation, redness, stiffness, warmth, loss in range of movement or flexibility, joint swelling, and extreme fatigue. There are many tests available for arthritis and related diseases. Based on your complete list of symptoms, your doctor will order tests. Online self-assessments are one way to diagnose arthritis. Other options include the self-assessment of candidiasis or the magnesium deficiency assessment. This self-testing process can help you determine the root cause of persistent conditions.

You can also use saliva tests to determine if your acid-alkaline imbalance is present. Recent research shows that reducing acidity can help to improve arthritis symptoms. You can also have blood tests done. Patients with arthritis may have blood tests that detect inflammatory markers. These tests can include checking for positive rheumatoid factors, the presence of citrullinated protein or CCP antibody, checking for the erythrocyte segregation rate (ESR), and checking for C-reactive proteins or CRP.


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