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Closeup female foot pain

Why to keep checking my Feet?

Nearly all doctor's offices have a sign in the exam room directing diabetics to take off their shoes and socks. They don't have to be the only ones monitoring what's happening in the area. Arthritis can affect the feet from osteo and rheumatoid. In fact, RA attacks the smaller bones first. It is important to manage the pain and reduce the damage. For those with OA, it's easy to manage the pain. Topical pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medication can be…
Immune system

Can Boron help relieve Arthritis Pain?

Boron is a mineral. It is the fifth metalloid element that naturally occurs. Although it is essential to plant growth, it is considered a poisonous. Recently, it has been suggested that it may also be essential for humans. Our daily intake of boron comes from eating fruits, vegetables, and plants. Boron has never been considered an essential mineral for our bodies. Although it is present in our bodies in small amounts, it was considered a mineral that exists in plants…
Fresh chopped ginger

What are the best Detox Recipes?

Are you feeling tired, sluggish, and depressed? You might need to take a break and get into a detox bath. A bath can help you relax and can be a great way for you to cleanse your skin. But did you know that detox baths can also cleanse your internal organs? Here are some great detox bath recipes you can try. They are all safe, natural, and easily available at home. This is a great way for your skin to…
knee pain

What are Arthritis Joint Pain Causes?

Chronic pain conditions are often associated with arthritis joint pain. Millions of people are affected by this painful condition of arthritis. This condition includes inflammation, swelling, pain, stiffness, and redness. There are many types of arthritis, but these three are the most common. These are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid. This problem can be treated using medications, yoga, exercises and diet. Natural remedies, herbal remedies, home remedies, and natural remedies are all available. Finally, joint replacement is an option. Although the cause…
gout inflammation

How to spot the Symptoms of Arthritis?

There are more than 100 types of arthritis. The symptoms of arthritis can vary depending on the type of arthritis that a person has been diagnosed with. Although it was previously thought that arthritis is a condition that affects older people, it can affect anyone, regardless of age, race, or sexual orientation. While some doctors believe there are no cures for arthritis or its symptoms, many natural therapy experts disagree. Rheumatoid is the most common form of arthritis. Statistics show…
Healthy eating

How to eat for combating Arthritis?

There are two main types of arthritis: osteo- and rheumatoid. However, both are closely linked to nutrition. Arthritis is the inflammation of a joint. Arthritis is often caused by what people eat or drink. It is expected to affect 90% of people by the time they reach 60. Although arthritis is not a well-understood condition, some scientists believe that rheumatoid is caused by a micro-organism in the body. Arthritis, which is the general term for more than 100 diseases, becomes…
traditional Chinese medicine herbal

Does Chinese Medicine treat Osteoarthritis?

Inflammation is a natural response by the body to tissue injury, irritation, or damage. Arthritis refers to inflammation of one or more joints. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. The most common signs and symptoms are pain, swelling, stiffness, decreased range of motion, and/or increased stiffness. Some cases can lead to joint damage and deformity. Traditional Chinese Medicine refers to arthritis as a "BI-Syndrom" (pronounced Bee). It is a Chinese term that refers to pain, soreness, or numbness…
Triphala, a combination of ayurvedic fruits

Is there an Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis (OA), also called degenerative arthritis, refers to a form of arthritis that results in the destruction and eventual loss cartilage at one or more joints. Primary osteoarthritis is a condition in which osteoarthritis has no known cause. Most cases of osteoarthritis are due to age and are not caused by any known cause. This is caused by a loss of cartilage protein as a result of aging. This eventually leads to joint degeneration. Secondary osteoarthritis can also be caused…