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What are Health Benefits of Ascorbic Acid?

Ascorbic acid, a vital nutrient, functions as a vitamin that is essential for normal human function. Ascorbic acid acts as an antioxidant in living organisms. It protects the body against oxidative stress. This is a condition in which there are more free radicals than antioxidants. Ascorbic acid cannot be produced by the body, so it must be taken as a dietary supplement or food intake. Ascorbic acid aids in the action enzymes. One of these enzymes is the production collagen. This is a crucial component in the prevention and treatment of scurvy.

Vitamin C

The body lacks sufficient vitamin C to make collagen function properly. Collagen synthesis is a key factor in animals’ fast healing of wounds, and the prevention of bleeding from the capillaries. Scurvy patients may develop brown spots on their legs and thighs due to ageing and ultra-violet exposure. Scurvy can lead to spongy gums or bleeding mucous membranes. Scurvy patients are usually pale and have periods of depression. They can’t move around. Advanced cases of scurvy can lead to pus-filled wounds, loss of teeth, and even death.

Smokers who eat a low-quality diet are more likely to develop lung diseases than those who have a higher level of vitamin C. The body uses ascorbic acid for many functions, including the synthesis of collagen, carnitine and neurotransmitters.

Ascorbic Acid

It donates and shares its electrons during this process to prevent further oxidation and keep iron and copper at their reduced levels. Vitamin C gives its electrons to other enzymes in order to support regular enzyme activities. Three enzymes are involved with collagen hydroxylation, where collagen molecules assume a higher structure. Vitamin C is useful for the development and maintenance of cartilages and blood vessels as well as scar tissue. Two enzymes are essential components in the production and transport of carnitine.

This substance is vital for the production of ATP or adenosine Triphosphate. Ascorbic acid is used in photography as a reducing agent and preservative in photographic development solutions. Ascorbic acid is easily destroyed by heat, light, oxygen, metals and heat. Vitamin C can also help to lower the body’s level of uric acid, which can result in a correspondingly low rate of gout. Vitamin C can also be used to bypass the blood-brain barrier, which can prevent neurological disorders and death after a stroke. Vitamin C may also be an effective treatment for pneumonia.


There is a lot of evidence to support this. Oxidative Stress is a condition in which the body’s free radical count exceeds that of antioxidants. This condition can have severe consequences for patients with hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other inflammatory diseases. The North American Dietary Association recommends 90mg, but not more than 2000mg per day.


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