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What are the different Types of Gout?

Gout is a serious form of metabolic arthritis. It is caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood. Normal conditions have the blood uric acid processed by the kidneys. The body then gets rid of it through the body system. When there is too much uric acids in the blood, the kidneys are unable to process them. This causes uric acid crystals to build up in the joints. This can lead to gout. The crystals cause extreme pain, swelling, and redness in the joint.

Gout Attacks

Thses usually start in the big toes. However, other joints such as the heels, knees and fingers can also be affected. Gouts can be of two types. These are primary hyperuricaemia or secondary hyperuricaemia. Hyperuricaemia refers to the amount of uric acid found in the blood. These two types of gouts are different because they have different causes. Primary hyperuricaemia can be caused by hereditable kidney abnormalities.

Secondary hyperuricaemia is caused by uric acid buildup due to certain medications or treatment of certain diseases. High-purine foods can also trigger an increase in the body’s uric acid levels. Gout secondary hyperuricaemia is more common than either of these types.


Gout is a serious condition that rarely occurs. Patients can suffer from chronic hyperuricaemia for up to a decade before their first gout attack. A person may not experience a gout attack immediately if they have a high level of uric acid in their blood. There is another type of arthritis that is similar to gout. This is pseudogout. The treatment for the disease is very similar to that of gout. The causes of both diseases are different.

Gout is caused when uric acids crystals build up. Pseuogout, however, is caused by calcium pyrophosphate. Gout affects more than 2 million Americans. Gout is more common in men than it is in women. According to records, the disease is more common in men than women. Gout can be caused by obesity and poor food habits. Gout must be treated promptly and properly. Gout can be prevented by early diagnosis and treatment. If the patient ignores the disease, the case could be very different.


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