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How to know if I have Gout?

High levels of uric acids in the body can cause gout. Uric acid is caused by the normal breakdown of chemical compounds called purines that are found in the body’s tissues. Purines can be found in many foods like liver and some plant foods like dried beans, peas, and anchovies. Normal body processes dissolve Uric acid in the blood. Uric acid is filtered out by the kidneys and excreted through your urine in normal daily life. There are cases when uric acids are not completely excreted and build up in your body. These cases are often caused by an increase in uric acid-producing substances like alcohol, drugs, and foods.


Another reason is that the kidneys fail to clean out the body sufficiently, possibly due to malfunctioning of the renal or treatment affecting the kidney. Hyperuricemia is a condition where the uric acid levels are abnormally high. Hyperuricemia doesn’t necessarily lead to gout. This is when excess uric acid forms in the body, most commonly in the joints. Gout is more common in people who have had gout in their family.

Gout is also more common in overweight men and those who drink a lot, especially beer, and eat a lot purine-rich foods. Other factors that can trigger gout include conditions that make it difficult for the body to break down purines. Gout can be caused by exposure to lead in the environment, organ transplants, medical treatments, and the intake of medicines such as aspirin and diuretics, as well as vitamins like niacin.

Gout is one of the most severe forms of arthritis. Gout is caused by a buildup of uric acid in the body. Gout is characterized by sharply crytalised uric acids deposits in joints, mainly in the big toe. These deposits are called tophi and can sometimes appear as lumps under the skin. Gout attacks can often be described as a painful swelling of the big nail. The attack can occur while the person is sleeping at night. A very sore and swelling big toe wakes the person. Gout attacks can also occur in the insteps, the ankles, the knees, the elbows, the wrists, and fingers.


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