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Can Pineapple soothe Gout Pain?

Are you looking for ways to relieve painful gout attacks? Pineapples are a great treatment option, even though they don’t usually come to mind immediately. Pineapples contain many elements that can soothe pain and prevent episodes from ever happening. These are the three key ingredients that make pineapples so effective in treating this debilitating condition. Bromelain is a powerful treatment for this condition.


It is one of the greatest benefits of pineapples in preventing it from happening. It is an enzyme that reduces swelling. Gout is a condition where swelling in the joints causes most pain. This is why pineapples can offer a great benefit. Although this enzyme is found in pineapples, it is not sufficient to resolve your symptoms. It should be used in conjunction. Bromelain can be purchased as a supplement.

This enzyme can be purchased as a supplement. It has been effective in treating gout and digestive problems, as well as other forms of arthritis. It has been shown to reduce blood clots.


Before you use this supplement, or any other supplement, as a therapy, consult your doctor. Too much can pose a risk. Moderate doses have not been shown to cause any side effects. However, higher doses can increase your heartbeat and cause nausea and vomiting. Higher doses can cause diarrhoea.

Bromelain can be used in moderation to provide gout relief. Pineapples contain a high amount of vitamin C. A regular serving contains 36mg, which is 60% of the RDA. This vital vitamin allows the kidney system to produce higher levels of uric acid. It prevents purines from metabolizing to uric acid. Uric acid is a normal function of the body. However, some people have trouble eliminating excess levels. This is when gout problems start.


Vitamin C can help with this problem. Gout therapy and prevention are possible with the help of potassium. Potassium converts uric acid to a form your kidneys can eliminate more easily. According to the government, 3500mg is the recommended daily intake of potassium. Although pineapples don’t have a lot of potassium (only 115mg), when combined with their other therapeutic properties, they can be an excellent addition to any treatment program.


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