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How to prevent Acne Breakouts?

Although the cause of acne breakouts remains elusive, there are indications that hormonal imbalances and buildup of toxic substances in the body could be a major factor. These two issues can be addressed by natural acne remedies that work. They reduce the frequency of breakouts, and also help with healing. Be cautious before you jump into natural home remedies for treating acne. Although these home remedies are natural and only natural ingredients, this does not mean you should be more cautious than if you were using prescription acne medication or over-the-counter products. Natural acne remedies may not work for everyone, just as OTC acne treatments products.

Take Note

  • Apple Cider Vinegar- Apple cider vinegar is a fermented pulverized apple product that has been used for years as a home remedy for sore throats and other conditions such as flu, allergies, fatigue and high cholesterol. Apple cider vinegar is believed can detoxify the body by improving your kidneys, liver, and bladder. Apple cider vinegar can be used to treat acne. Apple cider vinegar acts as an astringent, and can be used to remove excess oil, kill germs, and clean clogged pores.
  • Tea Tree Oil – The tea tree is not related, despite its name. Tea tree oil is extracted from the leaves and stems of the Australian Melaleuca Alternafolia trees. The antibacterial compounds in the tree’s leaves are effective as skin disinfectants and have been shown to be effective for natural acne remedies. Tea Tree Oil can be purchased at most drugstores and natural remedy shops. Tea tree oil should not be taken internally, but it can be applied directly to acne to kill any bacteria. Tea tree oil in its oil form should not be used to cover the entire face. Tea tree gel can be used to treat more severe cases of acne. The gal product can be used in place of oil because it is already dilute.
  • Garlic – Garlic has been used for centuries as a folk remedy, much like apple cider vinegar. Garlic is well-known for its ability to purify blood and is highly effective in treating acne. Garlic is anti-inflammatory and can be applied directly to the skin or eaten. Use raw garlic to treat acne. Rub a piece of chopped or crushed garlic on the affected area several times per day. This will speed up healing and reduce scarring. For at least one month, consume three to four raw garlic pods daily. You can either eat the whole garlic or chop it up and add water to make the garlic water. Or you can sprinkle the pieces on your food. Garlic capsules are an alternative to raw garlic. They have the same effect as raw garlic but don’t give you garlic breath.

Some home remedies work for some people, while others won’t. This is just like OTC acne treatments. Be prepared to try a variety of natural remedies to find the one that works best for you. Talk to your doctor before you attempt any acne treatment, even natural ones, on your own. Home remedies can be used to treat acne. You will avoid the potential side effects of over-the-counter products and you will save money by using natural ingredients. Natural acne remedies will not cure your acne, but they will help to heal any existing acne and reduce future breakouts.

Simple Sugar

The United States has a record number of children who are obese. This is just like other health issues that involve diet and exercise. As America has become the world’s fattest country, obesity is on the rise. These issues were once thought to be a problem for adults, but they are now more evident in children. Poor dietary habits are the main reason. Modern research on child obesity is alarming. Children are being exposed to health problems at an alarmingly young age by their parents not properly feeding them and not getting enough exercise. Children don’t need special diets. Healthy food is healthy food. It doesn’t really matter if your child prefers a Big Mac with huge fries to a salmon filet with wild rice. You are the parent, and you must provide healthy food choices to your child. Your child is not required to eat every ounce of food they can get.

It is not always better to eat less. It is important to eat healthy portions of nutrient-packed food. It doesn’t matter if a teenage boy is able to eat 3 nutritionally-void Whoppers at Burger King. It is a invitation to lifelong health problems. Soda pop should be avoided. It contains only simple sugars (monosaccharides), artificial flavors and preservatives. This is a recipe for skin problems and acne.


Make sure your children are drinking water, low-fat milk and green teas. To be healthy, every living creature must exercise each day. This is a fact of life. Your family should all engage in 20-30 minutes of moderately challenging exercise each day. The benefits are incalculable. Your children will be able to get out of the house and enjoy the fresh air, and not be glued to their televisions or computers. Poor food provision and low levels of physical activity are the main causes of childhood obesity. While we can attribute overweight children to socioeconomic factors, psychological turmoil, and genetic predisposition, it really boils down to diet, exercise, and the same as ever. Start taking control of your child’s health today. After your exercise, take the time to plan healthy meals that you can enjoy with your family. Healthy living is the best way for children and adults to be healthy.


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