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World kidney day

How to prevent and treat Kidney Disease?

It is important to take care of your kidneys. There are many serious diseases and conditions that can affect the kidneys. Some of these are even life-threatening. A healthy, balanced diet rich in protein can help prevent or treat kidney disease. What is the role of the kidneys? The kidneys are a small organ, measuring only four inches in length and weighing less that a pound combined. However, they play an important role in our health and survival. The kidneys…
fresh vegetables, fruits,

How is Gout diagnosed?

What are the symptoms? What are the risk factors for gout? How is gout diagnosed and treated? Who should diagnose and treat the condition? How can gout be treated? How can I improve my quality life? Gout is a very common form of inflammatory arthritis. Gout usually affects one joint at time (often the big-toe joint). There are times when symptoms are worse, called flares, and others when they are not. Gouty arthritis can be worsened by repeated bouts of…
Reduce Blood Sugar

What is the Benfit of a Low Sugar Diet?

We are faced with hundreds of difficult food choices every day as we become more aware about the impact of sugar on our large waistlines. We are also bombarded daily with messages from others claiming that all calories are the same and it doesn’t matter what type of sugar you eat. This claim is true, even though it is easy to eat too many sugary foods in these days of processed foods containing corn derivatives. Sugar of any type can…
Clock plate of keto foods

Is Weight the Problem?

Fasting is the willingness to stop eating, drinking, or both for a set period of time. There are many reasons why a person may choose to fast, depending on their personal lifestyle and goals. The person will decide the type of fasting and the time. Some people are not advised to fast. People with wasting diseases, malnutrition, pregnant women, and people with a history or cardiac arrhythmias should not fast. Anyone who does so should be under close medical supervision.…
Man's hands on his back

Are there natural Kidney Stone Remedies?

According to our sources, there is nothing worse than childbirth. It seems that we may be in the running for the title of worst pain. It has been said that kidney stones can be as painful as giving birth to a baby. There is a chance that you will have kidney stones again, just like giving birth. They don't disappear. They will come back. If you've ever felt the horrible pain of kidney stones, you should learn more about the…
red ripe cherries

What is the Relation between Gout and Kidney Stones?

Gout symptoms in some people may be due to kidney problems. Purines contain uric acids that are excreted from the body and are not expected be absorbed completely by the body. They are not dependent on the amount of purine-rich food consumed by the body. It also depends on the kidney's ability to expel uric acid from the system. Gout pains can be caused by uric acid crystals forming from inability to excrete. Gout and kidney stones are closely related.…
Healthy food

What are Low-Carbohydrate and High-Protein Diets?

Are you interested in losing weight with a low-carbohydrate and high-protein diet (LHCP). There is a good chance that you have, especially considering how this approach to diet has been repackaged so many times. Unfortunately, you were the one who was being laughed at. LHCP diets are not only bad for long-term weight loss, but there has been ample evidence over the past 40 years that they are harmful to your health. The American Heart Association warned in 2001 that…
Fresh sliced cucumbers

What to know about Kidney Stones?

Are you looking for ways to dissolve kidney stones. Before you start looking for solutions, it is important to understand the cause of your kidney stones. This article will provide valuable information on remedies that can be used to treat kidney stones. It is a hard, crystalline mineral that forms in your kidneys or urinary tract. It is also known medically as Nephrolithiasis. The five main types are calcium, uric, struvite and cysteine. Common symptoms include blood in the urine,…