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traditional Chinese medicine

Why to try Obesity with Chinese Medicine?

In my previous article about obesity, I discussed the main Chinese Medical reasons for weight problems. You eat the wrong foods, especially grains (carbohydrate-rich), and you eat cold or oversweetened foods like ice cream and chocolates. This second article will explore the details and discuss the body types and patterns that can make each person's weight loss problems unique. It is important to tailor treatment to each individual. You've probably seen cases where a weight loss diet or supplement worked…
measuring her waist

Are there safe Fat Burning Diets?

There are many fat-burning diets on the market. It can be difficult to know which ones are healthy and which are not. This article will discuss the latest diet trends and provide information about fat-burning diets. This diet eliminates carbohydrates and food like bread, rice, and potatoes. Our bodies use carbohydrates as their primary energy source. When these are eliminated, the body will need to use fat and protein. This may seem like a good idea. However, the metabolic processes…
Tea and coffee

Is Coffee good for Weight Loss?

A recent study published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition examined the long-term effects of caffeine in weight loss over a 12-year period. Long-term coffee drinkers lost about 1 pound over 12 years. Is this a sign that coffee drinking is a good way to lose weight? WATER WEIGHT LOSS OR WATER WEIGHT? We are talking about a very small difference in weight, just one pound. Coffee is a diuretic, meaning it causes you to pass more urine. This means…
Sportswoman exercising

How to lose Belly Weight Fast?

Take a look at your daily eating habits and take a look at your diet to find out what is wrong. You might consider changing your lifestyle if you are overweight. Take note of your eating habits for at least two to three days. What is your daily intake? What are your main food ingredients? What is the reason you eat at different times? This will show you the difference in the time it takes to eat your meals and…
blackberry, strawberry, blueberry

What to know about Fasting Diet?

Fasting is not a physical exercise, but a spiritual one. Fasting is nothing more than starvation. It can lead to protein wasting in the heart, liver and kidneys, skin, and muscle. Fasting can also lead to weakness, dizziness and headaches, as well as ketosis, attack of gout, and dizziness. Fasting is not a good way to lose weight. You have two options. You can choose to fast and lose weight quickly, but you also have the option of looking good…
Glass bottle olive oil

How to Lose Weight and Feel Great?

Recently, I found out that 66% of the U.S. 32% were obese. In 1980, 47% of Americans were overweight and 15% were obese. This is a remarkable increase in a short time. It is time for you to take control of your health and weight. Being overweight comes with a heavy price tag. These are just a few of the many risks associated with being overweight. Obesity can lead to serious, long-term diseases. You have the power to lose weight.…
A woman has lost a lot of weight

What Diseases are caused by Obesity?

What comes to your mind when you see those fatty guys? How did they get there? Is their condition genetic? These are all fascinating questions with equally interesting answers. But, there is another question that is just as intriguing: What happens to or what are the repercussions for obesity? This obesity can lead to a variety of diseases. These people are more likely to develop fatty liver disease. Fat deposits can build up over time and cause liver tissue damage.…
donut and an apple

How to lose Weight with Diets?

We all know that obesity and its related diseases are quickly becoming a major problem in well-off societies. Excessive body fat is directly linked to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and many other types of cancer. If weight loss is not done promptly, all of the above diseases can be fatal. Weight loss is best achieved by combining exercise and diet. While temporary weight loss can be achieved by dieting, it is not sustainable. You should combine exercise with a…