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Ankle Joint Anatomy

What is the Ankle Fusion?

Ankle fusion refers to the surgical removal of cartilage and diseased bones from the joint and the fusion (growing) of these bones into one unit. Good cartilage forms the joint and allows for painless movement between bones. While damaged and/or diseased cartilage may allow for some motion, this motion can be very painful and can even lead to disability. There are three types of bones that have their cartilage removed. The talus has a dome-shaped top that is where the…
Fruits and vegetables

How to stop the Degeneration of Eyesight?

Researchers often consider the benefits of lutein, zeaxanthin and other carotenoids together, rather than looking at them individually. This family of pigments is responsible both for the colors we see in plants and the colors we see inside eggs, bird feathers, animals, and our eyes. These pigments are produced by plants. These pigments must be obtained by humans and other living things. Researchers have focused on zeaxanthin's benefits to human health. However, new studies show that lutein, zeaxanthin and other…

Are There Natural Ways Of Gout Cure?

Gout is a condition that causes severe inflammation in one joint. These attacks can occur suddenly (acutely), and quickly reach a point of extreme pain before subsiding. A second attack usually occurs after a period of time, which can be months or years. It usually affects a different joint, especially the lower limb. Gout can be treated but the time between attacks will become shorter and last longer over time. This can lead to gout becoming worsened and affecting other…
Fresh sliced celery

What are Pros and Cons of Vitamin Supplements?

Many people use over-the-counter vitamins without knowing the full effects. Vitamin supplements are a great way to help your body, but there are also some drawbacks. It is important to understand how vitamins supplements affect you, especially if they are taken in pill form. Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals that the human body needs to support healthy growth and maintain good health throughout adulthood. Micronutrients are mainly obtained from food and, in some cases, vitamin supplements. Supplements taken without consulting…
Reduce Blood Sugar

What is the Benfit of a Low Sugar Diet?

We are faced with hundreds of difficult food choices every day as we become more aware about the impact of sugar on our large waistlines. We are also bombarded daily with messages from others claiming that all calories are the same and it doesn’t matter what type of sugar you eat. This claim is true, even though it is easy to eat too many sugary foods in these days of processed foods containing corn derivatives. Sugar of any type can…
Pain in knee joint

How to prevent and treat Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is also known by the names degenerative arthritis and degenerative joint disease. Degenerative arthritis refers to the abnormal mechanical properties of a joint that lead to the destruction and breakdown of joint cartilage and bones. Degenerative joint disease can be caused by genetic, developmental, metabolic alterations, mechanical stresses, nutritional deficiencies, and hereditary inefficiencies. Osteoarthritis can be accompanied by other conditions, such as diabetes, inflammatory disease (Rheumatoid arthritis, Lyme's Disease and Gout), obesity, trauma, and blood disorders. There are many…
Foods high in vitamin C

How to deal with Kidney Stones Pain?

Unfortunately, kidney stones are an everyday occurrence. One in ten Americans will experience a renal stone at some point in their lives. They are more common in the Southern United States, hence "The Stone Belt". Even though a lot of tiny stones are unlikely to be recognized during passage, they can become excruciating when they reach a few millimeters. It is usually a sharp pain below the ribs on one or both of the backs that radiates down to the…
Healthy products,

What are Folic Acid Benefits?

Folic acid is one the B vitamins. It is essential for normal metabolism and the production of red blood cell. Folic acid is important for pregnant women because it prevents the occurrence and development of birth defects. It also prevents the development of infant spinal cord defects, such as Spina bifida. Folic acid can also be helpful in treating other conditions like depression, schizophrenia, heart disease, arthrosclerosis, heart disease, heart disease, and diarrhea. Folic acid can also be used to…